Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
Page 79 of 199
Family Violence
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A 14 page paper which examines family violence from a counseling
perspective. The paper examines various journal articles that illustrate methods, theories,
and causes of family violence. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: RAfamvio.rtf
Family Violence and Abuse
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This 6 page paper provides an overview of some questions on family violence, including the question of whether low-income families are really more likely to abuse their children or if they are simply more likely to be labeled child abusers. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MHfamvi2.wps
Family Violence Between Siblings
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In 5 pages the author discusses the subject of family violence between siblings. It is posited that the numbers of cases of sibling violence is increasing, as is the number of cases of domestic violence between children and parents. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Sibviol.wps
Family Violence: A Plan for Societal Intervention
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An 8 page discussion of the societal factors which translate into family violence. The author contends that distinct differences exist between families in the way they deal with conflict. Families either facilitate or inhibit the use of aggression. Given this fact, therefore, it becomes obvious that there must be ways to prevent and treat violence. Indeed, family violence is not just a family issue, it is a societal one. If we are to resolve that issue we must be willing to implement changes on a societal level. This change must address the sometimes discriminatory manner in which family violence is often dealt with in the legal system as well as an increase in the professional personnel resources which we are willing to devote to the problem. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PPdomVi3.rtf
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This 10 page paper focuses on the sociology and pscyhology of marriage, relationships and family, especially in the 21st century. Much of the supporting citation comes from the book 'Sociology of Marriage and the Family,' with additional citations coming from other sources. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTfammar.rtf
Fans as Cultural Producers
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A 10 page paper which examines whether or not it is useful to regard fans as cultural producers in their own right and, if so, how their production might need to be understood differently from that of people in the media industries. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: TGculpro.rtf
Fathering/Parenting Classes
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A 5 page paper which examines schools that have classes
in fathering. The information provided addresses classes, professors, titles of classes, and
all other information pertaining to the fathering classes available at universities and
colleges. The paper primarily addresses early childhood, and childhood development
classes as they involve parenting, which includes fathering and the skills necessary for
fathering. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAfathrclss.wps
Fault & No-Fault Divorce / Family Law In The 90s
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A 10 page paper that provides an overview of the legal issues related to no-fault divorce, and considers the existing elements of debate that have resulted from a renewed focus on fault-only divorce laws. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Divorce.wps
FDR's "Splendid Deception" and its Motivations
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A 6 page paper
discussing FDR's efforts in hiding his paralysis from the American public in relation to
Charles Smith's views of public and private behavior argued in Critique of Sociological
Reasoning. Smith holds that all human behavior, including that resulting from the experience
of disability, can be categorized into three levels. The experience of Franklin D. Roosevelt is
used here to illustrate those levels and then proclaim that while FDR operated from all three
levels, it was Level 3, the most altruistic, that could most frequently describe his behavior as
related to his disability. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSFDRdisab2.wps
Fear / Its Impact on Societal Behavior
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A 6 page research paper on fear. The writer postulates, in agreement with theorist Mark Edmunson, that America is in the grip of a gothic period shaped through fear and dealt with through collectivism, gossip and sensationalism, and religious conversion. Two psychological studies are cited, expressing the collectivism and religious conversion experiences. The Oklahoma City bombing case is provided for the "gossip"-resolution argument among others. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Fear.wps
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