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Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Effects Of Dual Earner/Income Families
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A 5 page paper that discusses research addressing the effects of dual-earner/income families on the members of the family. Includes data about the proportion of children in day care settings. The research regarding the effects on the children are mixed. According to some, children become more independent and benefit in other ways. According to others, children develop more behavior problems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGdualfm.rtf

Effects of Having a Deaf Sibling
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A 15 page research paper that examines how having a sibling who has a disability affects the psychological and emotional development of normally developing siblings. The writer particularly focuses on how having a hearing impaired brother or sister impacts a family, and this includes a brief summary of the controversy over how best to educate a hearing impaired or deaf sibling, which includes the advantages and disadvantages of such things as cochlear implants, English language instruction, and the use of American Sign Language (ASL). Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Filename: 99sibs.wps

Effects Of Immigration
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A correlation between immigration and the increase in delinquency, crime and poverty is made in this 8 page paper. Statistics are noted to support the argument as well as studies that show that crime is brought into the United States by foreign groups. Regional variations are also included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Immigration.rtf

Effects Of TANF & Microenterprise
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A 21 page paper that examines the effects of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), which became law in August 1996 and which replaced AFDC. This essay offers a general introduction to the federal TANF program and then investigates a number of aspects of the programs beginning with TANF spending, including the national averages of how much was spent versus the amount of the grants and the percentages spent on different categories. The writer also discusses microenterprise under the TANF grants and how states can include training for self-employment or starting a microbusiness. Some examples of successes are included of entrepreneurs and of the programs a sample of states offer. Data regarding caseload reductions are included and timelines are discussed. Finally, there is a discussion regarding eligibility for cash and other assistance, including that available for people beginning their own micro-business. Data are included. 2 graphic illustrations are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PGtanf.rtf

Effects Of Television Violence On Children & Adolescents
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A 10 page paper. Concerns about the influence of television on children is not new; it has existed since television became prominent in homes. In fact, the first study investigating the effect on television violence on children and adolescents was conducted in 1952. This paper explores the research regarding the degree of influence violent television has on children and adolescents. Numerous studies are reported. Data are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PGTVkdvl.rtf

Effects Of The Mass Media On Our Perception Of Christmas
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A 25 page research paper examining the question: "Does mass media affect the image of Christmas?" The writer traces the history of Santa Claus, examines the importance of Christmas shopping for retailers, reviews the types of media that affect the meaning and image of Christmas providing quotes from a number of sources, and reaches a relevant conclusion based upon the research. Extensive bibliography is included.
Filename: Christma.wps

Elder Abuse
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This 5 page paper discusses the rising incidence of elder abuse and neglect. A general overview is provided, after which the writer focuses on the issue as it pertains to Florida. Data are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PGeld2.wps

Elder Abuse
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An 8 page paper that begins by presenting the data regarding the aging population in the world. The writer then discusses laws related to elder abuse, the rising incidence of this crime, types of abuse and data regarding the perpetrators of abuse against the elderly and the demographic data. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PGeldab3.wps

Elder Abuse
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A 21 page paper. The world's population is getting older. Along with the surge in the numbers of persons over the age of 65 is an appalling increase in the incidence of elder abuse both in private homes and in nursing homes. This essay discusses a number of aspects related to elder abuse, including: definition and descriptions of different kinds of neglect and abuse; the incidence of neglect and abuse, including that which occurs in private homes and in nursing homes; signs of abuse; causes; and potential prevention methods. Statistics are included. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: PGeldabu.wps

Elder Abuse in America
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This 5 page report discusses the fact that the majority of the population is aware that there is a serious problem in America with child abuse but few understand how much of a problem also exists related to elder abuse. In fact “some five percent of the Nation's elderly may be the victims of abuse from moderate to severe... or more than 1.5 million elderly may be victims of such abuse each year.” That number is all the more problematic due to the hidden and complex nature of the problem. Older Americans often live in some degree of isolation, whether in their own homes, the homes of adult children or institutions. Detection by people outside the family or the facility is much more unlikely and the occurrence of elder abuse is suspected to be remarkably under-reported. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWeldabu.wps

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