Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Crime in Oakland, California
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An 8 page paper that investigates crime in Oakland, California, a city that had a rate of crime exceeding three times the average rate of crime. The writer discusses the programs and tactics that have been used since 1997 to reduce crime in this city. The writer also discusses the sociological model under which these programs fall. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGoklnd.wps
Crime In The United States
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An 8 page paper that investigates the incidence of crime in this country. Crime statistics are collected and reported from three primary sources but they differ in terms of the incidence of crime. The writer provides statistical data comparing overall national crimes rates. A scenario is presented to demonstrate how each of four people would answer the question about whether crime was on the rise or the decline: an inner-city youth, a television news reporter, a politician and a social scientist. 2 tables are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGcrim3.rtf
Crime in Various Populations
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A 5 page paper which discusses the prevalence of crime
as it relates to lower socioeconomic classes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAcrimsoc.wps
Criminology Theory of Edwin Sutherland
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A 10 page paper discussing Sutherland's
Differential Association theory and the criminologist's theory of white collar crime. Edwin
Sutherland emerged in the late 1930s as a leader in criminology theory, and he remains so
today. Sutherland maintained that criminal behavior was learned, and that individuals were
responsible for their own actions. He did allow that there were circumstances when such was
not the case, but that they were exceptions rather than the rule. His theories fell out of
mainstream favor in the 1960s, but they have since resurfaced as being valid today.
Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSEdSuth.wps
Crisis Intervention
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A 5 page research paper that investigates the field of crisis intervention. The writer discusses intervention that handles anger, emotion and violence, as well as various models for intervention. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khcrisis.wps
Critical Analysis of Erving Goffman's "Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity"
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A 5 page paper which examines the landmark 1963 sociological text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TGegstig.wps
Critical Practitioner Principles and Social Work Requirements
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This is a 7 page paper discussing critical practitioner principles and social work requirements in regards to their application. The components involved in modern social work which involve the fair distribution of service based on economic, cultural and effective factors among many others are issues which also must be considered during an assessment an implementation of a program by a critical practitioner. The critical practitioner must take into account cultural and social factors and discourse with a multidisciplinary team regarding all levels of program implementation. In addition, social work agencies and critical practitioners must be educated in regards to political, changing policies and economics in order to promote the possibilities of future services.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TJcritp1.rtf
Critical Review of Methodology in William Foote Whyte’s “Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian Slum”
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This is a 10 page paper discussing the methodology used in William Foote Whyte’s “Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian Slum”. Originally published in 1943, William Foote Whyte’s “Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian Slum” has since become one of the most referenced works in the social sciences of a methodological research technique which is known as participant observation, and has since been translated into Chinese, Japanese, German, French, Italian and Spanish and sold more than 270,000 copies. The fieldwork for the book was conducted between 1937 and 1940 in an Italian neighborhood in Boston referred to as “Cornerville”. Whyte worked like an anthropologist and immersed himself in the lives of the men he studied and in some instances came quite close to “going native” which is one of the greatest risks of participatory observation. After his period of field research, Whyte commented additionally on the effects of his method in regards to his subject matter and also what affects the study and publication may have on the central characters within the work
Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: TJWFWhy1.rtf
Critical Thought: Researching
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A 5 page paper which discusses aspects of researching
which requires critical thought. The paper addresses the challenges and opportunities for
discovering and understanding information and adding to the knowledge base of public
administration in the position of a researcher, as well as illustrating how one should
address the challenges and opportunities. The information provided is derived from the
textbook "Taking Language Seriously" by White and Denzin/Lincoln. No additional
sources cited.
Filename: RAresearch.wps
Criticisms Of Rap Music / Valid Arguments Or Extended Prejudices ?
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In this well-prepared 5 page essay, the writer argues that there exists a great societal irony in the fact that lyrically-violent rap music is critiqued as destructive to a specific culture and at the same time praised by ‘hip-hop advocates' for its realistic contributions to the social advancement of today's inner city Black youths. It is asserted that critics of rap music fail to recognize it for its redeeming social value. And more importantly, we should be struggling to correct the very real problems that rap describes in its lyrics and not trying to hide or bury them even deeper by attacking the music itself. No Bibliography.
Filename: Rap.wps
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