Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Comparison and Contrast of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods Including Quality, Credibility, Reliability, Validity and Analysis
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This is a 20 page paper comparing and contrasting qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative research methods are considerably different from those of quantitative research methods. Qualitative research methods are considered to be more dynamic, interactive and holistic in their approach than quantitative methods which are considered more deductive in their reasoning, objective in their observations, more defined and static in their collection, analysis and reporting. While qualitative methods provide for more narrative and detailed reports of certain phenomenon, quantitative methods allow for the study of larger populations and therefore can allow for more generalizations about a phenomenon. Whichever method is used for a particular study, researchers agree that the method should be appropriate for the subject being studied. Largely, quantitative methods are used in the physical sciences whereas studies in the social sciences lean toward qualitative methods or a combination of both research methods. Both methods are also supported by different aspects of quality, credibility, reliability and validity throughout their methodology.
Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Filename: TJqures1.rtf
Comparison and Contrast of Two Lifestyles
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A 5 page paper which compares and
contrasts two different lifestyles. The paper addresses the life of an American with the
life of an Australian. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: RA2life.rtf
Comparison of Mauss and Geertz
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A 5 page paper assessing Marcel Mauss’ “Techniques of the Body” and Clifford Geertz’s “Impact of the Concept of Culture on the Concept of Man,” followed by a comparison of the two works. Both authors agree that the study of movements, gestures, gait and other issues of body usage are culture-specific. The point is that one studying a culture must be aware of all aspects of that culture, that there is not even one detail small enough to warrant being labeled as being insignificant. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSsocMauGeertz.rtf
Comparison of Research Approaches / Family Psychology
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A 5 page paper discussing the method in which four researchers have approached the issue of family cohesiveness and its effect on the children of the family. Most of the studies reviewed revolve in some way around previously established models, and one was little more than a basic literature review of previously published work. Because the focus of each of the others was that of attitudes and feelings, the researchers were unable to employ definite measures of specific qualities. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Famre.wps
Comparison of the Family and Gender Structures in the Yanomamo, the Aztec and the Modern American Families
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This is a 5 page paper comparing the gender and family structures of the Yanomamo, the Aztecs and modern Americans. The Yanomamo of the Brazilian rainforest, the Aztecs of Mexico and modern Americans all have traditionally different gender and family structures and roles but all also experienced shifts within their structures to adapt to new situations encountered by new generations. The males within the Yanomamo are considered as the warriors but are heavily influenced by the women who demand protection from raiding tribes. The men within the tribes also continuously create stronger alliances with other powerful men in order to increase their status and their marriage options. The families of the Aztecs of Mexico lived jointly and joint households consisted of complex kinship ties in addition to the genders enjoying a parallel level of roles and respect. After the Spanish conquests however, the gender roles and family structures shifted toward a more male oriented society consistent with the expectations of the Spanish. Finally, the traditional nuclear families of American society have also shifted within the last generation. As the incidence of divorce increases and more women are working outside of the home, American families have experienced a shift to households which may have traditional nuclear structures but more than likely have environments in which parents are divorced, or cohabitating or are single parent based.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TJfamor1.rtf
Comprehending September 11th: A Sociological Perspective
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This 5 page paper takes a sociological view and presents insights on Marxism and conflict theory. Weber and Durkheim's ideas are explored as well The World Trade Center and Pentagon disasters, which occurred on September 11, 2001, are discussed in respect to those theories. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA247911.rtf
Computers & Entertainment
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This 6 page paper takes a look at the effects the introduction of the personal computer has had on the entertainment industry. Also discussed is how computers are used as a form of entertainment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Compent.wps
Comte & Durkheim on Religion & Education
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A 7 page research paper that compares and contrasts the theories and ideas of sociological founding fathers, August Comte and Emile Durkheim on the topics of education and religion. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khcomdur.rtf
Concept of Self and Genetic Science
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10 pages. Is what we know about 'self' connected to human genetics? Or is our sense of self something that comes from within? This paper explores the concept of self as it relates to genetic science, and how the two might be related. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JGAgensf.rtf
Concepts of Leisure
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This 5 page paper considers different concepts of leisure and play and argues that the best definition of leisure comes from Csikszentmihalyi’s flow theory. This is compared with other models including attribution theory, achievement-motivation and compensatory theory. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEleisur.rtf
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