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Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Cohabitation / Problems
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A 5 page paper discussing the problems that can arise from living together without marriage. Living together has caused far more controversy than just the value of maintaining laws that are no longer enforced. The focus here is its effects on traditional marriage and social issues. Though the most common opinion is that there is nothing 'wrong' with living together either instead of, or before marriage, there is increasing evidence that there is indeed something 'wrong' with it, to the extent that it is listed as a risk factor against the success of subsequent marriage between the same partners. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Cohab.wps

Color, Societal Privilege, and Discrimination
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A 7 page discussion of the continuing discrimination which occurs in the United States in regard to race and color. Presents a brief historical basis for the problem and contends that discrimination is both an intercultural and intracultural phenomenon. Suggests that these factors result in an unfortunate mindset that has forced the non-white ethnicities and races further and further away from the white mainstream and are factors which gave us our popular concept of the term minority. It is also this mindset that has resulted in severe societal separation between black and white in particular. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPracePr.wps

Commitment In Interpersonal/Sexual Relationships
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This 20 page paper explores the topics of commitment in interpersonal and commitment in sexual relationships beginning with an introduction to the concept of commitment – what is it, what does it mean in today's world, and the conclusions of two studies looking into commitment between dating couples. The writer then discuses the ethics of commitment and sexual ethics, a very hot topic in today's world, most of which focuses on the relationship of homosexual couples; next, is a discussion of the theology of commitment. The writer asserts that God wants us to make commitments, first to Him and then to others in our lives but where does commitment fit in this disposable world. The last section addresses pastoral care and counseling, premarital, marital, and divorce. Here, the different types of families are identified along with the ways in which some pastors face the challenge of these diverse families, including the lesbian or gay couple. An approach that has been remarkably successful in reducing the number of divorces is explained in this section. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: PGrlcmt.rtf

Communities and the Future
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A 5 page paper which discusses different types of communities and then discusses how they will be likely altered in the future with the notion of telework. The source used for examining communities comes from the course material in an article titled "Approaches to Community: Conflicts and Complementarities" by Marcia Pelly Effrat. Bibliography lists 5 additional sources.
Filename: RAfutrcomm.wps

Community Counseling for Needy Children
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6 pages in length. Discusses after-school community counseling programs for children and how it can exert a positive influence on their lives, self-esteem and well-being. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: JGAccoun.wps

Community Intervention Nutrition Programs
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This 7 page report examines programs in place for food assistance, how the programs work and what more needs to be done to assist children from low-income areas. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Nutprog.wps

Community-Based Behavioral Intervention in Addressing Conduct Disorder
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A 4 page outline of Conduct Disorder and one means of addressing the problem. This paper recommends community-based behavioral interventional tactics which target positively impacting parent/child interaction. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPadBeh2.rtf

Community: Past And Present
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8 pages in length. Being raised within an urban environment fraught with financial and social restraints, an individual would likely have tremendous desire to work his or her way out of such a stifling atmosphere. Conspicuously apparent to the need to break free from this type of cultural oppression is the move toward a more suburban setting, where the individual chooses to leave behind unpleasant memories of a difficult community in exchange for one that provides opportunity and nurturing. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCcmnty.rtf

Comparative Analysis of Six Social Theorists
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9 pages worth of analytical comparison in which the writer explores similarities and differences between the sociological theories of Horkheimer, Parsons, & Meade vs. those of Lukcas, Merton, & Goffman. Each group stood at opposing sides with regard to theoretical issues in the sociology of poverty, class, structure, etc; Bibliography lists 8+ sources.
Filename: Horketal.wps

Comparative Cultural Analysis of Television Series’ “Three’s Company” and “Friends”
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A 6 page paper which considers two representatives of popular culture for their time periods and examines similarities and differences that point out to differences in cultural assumptions that guided their creations and compares how the works reflect varieties of cultural assumptions, stereotypes, values and attitudes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TGtcpals.rtf

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