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Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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5 pages in length. The writer discusses the concept of ambition by utilizing Burton Raffel's "Beowulf," Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "Balthazar's Marvelous Afternoon" and Jose Armas' "A Delicate Balance." Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCambit.wps

Ambrose Bierce: Animal Characteristics
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8 pages in length. Ambrose Bierce maintained that humanity mirrored many of the same characteristics as animals, stating that "in each human heart there is a tiger, a pig, an ass, and a nightingale. Diversity of characters is due to their unequal activity." It can easily be argued that Bierce's perception is quite accurate in that all of mankind has absorbed a great deal of idiosyncratic tendencies reflective of animal behavior. For example, as is mentioned in his quote, the human heart exhibits a vast array of illustrative attributes: the tiger's ferocity and independence; the pig's greed; the ass's stupidity; and the nightingale's delicacy and benevolence. Indeed, finding all of these qualities within a single individual is considerably more difficult than recognizing one or two; however, most of humanity displays a combination of all such animal characteristics at some point throughout life. The writer discusses these traits as they relate to Iago and Desdemona from Othello, Mustafa Sa'eed from Tayeb Salih's Season Of Migration, and Reginald Nwankwo and Gladys from Girls at War by Chinua Achebe. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Ambroani.wps

America: Sexually Permissive and Sexually Restrictive
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A 5 page paper which discusses why the United States is a permissive sexual society and a restrictive sexual society at the same time. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: RAsexame.wps

American Character
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A 5 page research paper that analyzes the habit and customs of Americans and how this contributed to the demand for change and reform in the US as a developing country. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khamch.rtf

American Families & The Nostalgia Myth / The Way We Never Were
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Focusing primarily upon the argument in Stephanie Coontz's (1992) book by same title, the writer of this 5 page paper presents the argument that each generation has looked upon the one previous to it and commented on how pure and innocent things were back in the proverbial "good ol' days." In actuality, however, morality was never as high in the past as we are led to believe. We are "brainwashed" by family-orientated television programs to believe that during the 50's and 60's, people were more "innocent" when in reality, juvenile delinquency, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, etc.;-- soared-- sometimes to levels much higher than today. This social phenomenon is explored in great detail. Bibliography also cites 2 additional sources.
Filename: Waywene.wps

American Guilt: Prejudice to Genocide
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An 8 page discussion of the prejudices and attempts at cultural annihilation which have occurred, and are occurring, right here in the United States. Relates our role in prejudice and injustices throughout the world as well and discusses how these prejudices are based not just on race and ethnicity but also on money. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPusDscr.wps

American Gypsies
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A 6 page argumentative paper that states that Gypsies not only should not be discriminated against, like any other race, but some of their ideals should be enjoyed and preserved as contributions to the American fantasy against the status quo. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Amgypsie.wps

American Skinheads: Race And Law Perspective
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10 pages in length. The closely shaved scalp and spouting white-supremacist beliefs are difficult to miss. Indeed, American skinheads have carved out a niche for their radical and very violent approach to what they deem as social and racial injustice, much the same way the Ku Klux Klan has achieved for its members throughout the twentieth century. As the world continues to spiral toward complete and utter eradication, there exists a select sector of the population that refuses to allow this to happen without at least a good fight. The writer discusses how American skinheads have long been at the forefront of controversy in their indignation toward racial intolerance. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCsknhd.wps

American Society And Subcultures: Norms, Values, Beliefs And Goals
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6 pages in length. The writer discusses how the Amish reflect a subculture of a broader American society that aspires to the least complicated existence possible, having created an entirely separate set of norms, values, beliefs and goals apart from its contemporary American neighbors. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCsbcul.rtf

American Values: Ideal Cultural Values and Reality
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This is a 5 page paper discussing ideal cultural values of Americans in comparison with the standards of real American society. American’s cultural norms and values which are touted as ideal and as true American values often lead to ambiguity in the youth of the country when they view which values seem to be more of a reality in the daily lives of Americans. Some of the traditional American values of freedom of life, religion and labor in addition to equal rights and responsibility of others often times seem ambiguous when in reality Americans seem to place more importance on individualism, time, efficiency, materialism and action among others. Traditionally, morals and values were reinforced through the family, the church and the educational system. Now in a time when over fifty percent of children come from households which have experienced divorce, the teachings of the church are often in conflict with parts of the Constitution and the educational system has turned away from moral “character education”, the youth of today and in fact many of the adults as well have a difficult time defining the real values in the American society of today. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TJAmerv1.rtf

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