Papers On Earth & Physical Sciences
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When the subject of the earth comes up in conversation, most people do
not immediately think of soil, although it is a known fact that soil is an
essential component to the existence of the planet earth. This 5 page paper
provides a sample paper that assists the student in preparing a general
information paper on soil. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KTessoil.rtf
Soil Salinity in the Imperial Valley
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This 5 page paper discusses soil salinity in the Imperial Valley of California, including what it is, why it’s prevalent in this location, what effects it has, how it’s formed, what its benefits are (if any) and what can be done to change the amount of salt in the soil. Bibliography lists 6 sources
Filename: HVSoilIV.rtf
Solar Energy
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This 10 page paper offers an overview of solar energy beginning with the theory underlying solar power and the two major types of solar energy. The technology of solar power cells is explained, beginning with the two major categories of solar energy. The most common materials and elements used to produce photovoltaic cells, how these cells work and their output are then reported. Four of the most common types of collectors are explained. Innovations in the production of solar cells are reported. Comments are made regarding the costs and the savings gained from using solar power. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: PGsolar.rtf
Spring and Fall
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A 3 page paper which compares and contrasts the seasons of Spring and Fall. No sources cited.
Filename: RAspfa.rtf
Stonehenge and the Development of Archaeology
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A 5 page paper which discusses
Stonehenge and examines how excavations have been, and can, prove beneficial to the
development of archaeology. While over-excavating can prove incredibly harmful to this
historical site, if done properly much may be learned. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RAstnehg.rtf
Sulphur Dioxide
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This 5 page paper considers the public health problem of sulphur dioxide and the impacts. This paper provides a methodology for studying this issue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MHSulphD.rtf
Summarization: Black Holes and Cosmology
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5 pages in length. Reviews two articles, one on black holes, and one article on cosmology. The review and discussion of each article are included in this paper. In the first article analysts speculate something unusual is happening at the center of the Milky Way, near Sagittarius. The theorists believe there may be one gigantic black hole taking in mass, or a set of smaller black holes. The second article points out that several scientists still firmly believe in the big bang theory despite the arguments concerning the dark-matter problem as well as the causality problem and the age problem.
Filename: JGAastrn.wps
The 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake
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11 pages in length. It was at
5:04 P.M. on Tuesday, October 17, 1989, and more than sixty-two
thousand fans were inside Candlestick Park for the third game of
the World Series. At the same time the San Francisco Bay Area
commute started into its heaviest flow. It was exactly at this
time that a Richter magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck California.
It was, as some have described it, an emergency planner's
worst-case scenario. This paper considers some of the major
challenges faced during this disaster. Bibliography lists 8
Filename: JGAquake.wps
The Atacama Desert
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This 11 page paper provides an overview of the Atacam Desert. The Atacama Desert of Northern Chile is considered by some to be the driest desert in the world. The distinctness of the phy1ical characteristics of this desert come from both location and landforms, and this also determines the nature of the desert as a biome. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHAtacam.rtf
The Basic Principles of Physics: An Examination of the Contentions of Nineteenth Century Physicist Albert Michelson
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A 4 page examination of Michelson's contention that in regard to physics "most of the grand underlying principles have now been firmly established and that further advances are to be sought chiefly in the rigorous application of these principles to all the phenomena which come under our notice". The author contends that Michelson's contention is still applicable even today. While we continue to make "astonishing" discoveries, we have yet to conclusively demonstrate that the basic physical processes underlying those discoveries significantly deviate from the basic physical principles known by Michelson. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPphysic.rtf
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