Papers On Poetry
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Poetry Analysis
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This 3 page paper compares and contrasts two poems, written by females in the 1980's. "The One Girl at the Boys' Party" by Sharon Olds and "Ethics" by Linda Pastan are featured. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA033pm.wps
Poetry as a Reflection of Faith
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A 5 page essay that examines how the poetry of Thomas Hardy, Rupert Brooke and T.S. Eliot each represents the historical period in which it was written. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khhbebri.wps
Poetry Comparison / Coleridge, Keats & Shelley
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A 5 page research paper on the poems: "Ode To A Nightingale," "To A Skylark," and "The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner." The writer describes the symbolism of the birds in each poem and the reasons for their use. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Keacol.wps
Poetry Comparison and Contrast of William Wordsworth's "It is a
Beauteous Evening" With William Blake's "To The Evening Star"
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A 5 page paper which compares and contrasts the poetic styles employed by William Wordsworth in "It is a Beauteous Evening" with those utilized by William Blake in "To The Evening Star." Specifically considered are the style, themes, imagery and relationships, to evaluate how strong the personal voice of the poet is in each, and determine which expresses the greater uneasiness. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TGwillwb.wps
Poetry Explication / 'The Eternal Dice'
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This 4 page explication reveals the author's anger toward God as well as his vision for the future of the world.
Filename: Eterndic.wps
Poetry of John Donne -- Romance and Religion
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This 6 page report
discusses the English poet, writer, and clergyman, John Donne
(1572-1631), who is best known for his religious and metaphysical
poetry, his sermons and meditations. Donne demonstrates that he
knows a great deal about love but he also makes it clear that the
spiritual component of love is a quintessential characteristic of
the deepest love. Romance and religion are deeply related as
Donne repeatedly presents the connections and passions of the
heart and the soul. His inner turmoil, especially relating to
the death of his wife also shows through in his poetic imagery.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWjdone.wps
Poetry: Free Verse With Meaning
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In free-form or expressionist poetry
the 'rules' of rhyme and rhythm are superseded by the artist's meaning
or tone. This 5 page paper examines two poems, The Minefield by Diane
Thiel and Narrow Road, Presidents' Day by Philip Booth. Bibliography
lists 2 sources.
Filename: KTrhyrhy.wps
Religious Aspects of Emily Dickinson's Poetry
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A 10 page paper which analyzes the religious aspects of Emily Dickinson's poetry, despite her
professed religious ambivalence. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: TGedrel.wps
Remythologizing Women in Ostriker and Wakoski
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A five page paper comparing the ideas contained in Alicia Ostriker’s “Stealing the Language” with Diane Wakoski’s poetry. The paper concludes that both writers feel women need to reject the myths our patriarchal culture has imposed upon them, and reinvent themselves in a more positive vein. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: KBwakosk.wps
Renaissance Humanism And Romantic Relationships
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In reading Christopher
Marlowe's poem, Hero And Leander and Edmund Spencer's The Faerie Queen,
it becomes obvious that the writing of these two poems includes
components of time relative value orientation, individualized style of
the writer and appropriateness to setting and theme. This 8 page paper
suggests that the relationships that are portrayed in the two poems
encompasses the social and political reality of the time, the
philosophical perspective of humanism and a strong foundation of gender
role ideals. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KThroqen.wps
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