Papers On Poetry
Page 31 of 88
Anne Sexton's "The Starry Night"
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A 5 page paper which analyzes the poem "The
Starry Night" by Anne Sexton. The paper argues that the element which provides the
power in this poem is imagery. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAsexton.wps
Anne Sexton/Death and Gender
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A 7 page essay that examines four poems by Anne Sexton. The writer asserts that by examining these poems, it is possible to demonstrate how the poet is pushed toward depression by the manner in which patriarchal society defines gender. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khsexton.rtf
Anne Sexton: Cinderella.
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(5 pp) At a turning point in art history, Marcel
Duchamp turned a porcelain urinal, upside down and
hung it on the wall, labeling it art, after he
signed it "R. Mutt." The supposed sophisticated
community at large took that to mean - "whatever I
say is art, is art." The same argument could be
made for a poet. If the poet claims it, a poem.
Is it then a poem or does it have to follow certain
structure, form or meaning to get that title? In
this discussion we will examine the poem,
Cinderella by Anne Sexton, within two categories,
meaning and mechanics of, and see how it stands on
its own.
Filename: BBasextn.doc
Arnold's "Dover Beach" vs. Hecht's "Dover Bitch"
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A five page paper looking at these two poems in terms of their relationship to one another. Hecht's poem is a parody of Arnold's, but the paper concludes that Hecht is not so much mocking Arnold as he is bidding goodbye to a belief system the twentieth century could not support. No additional sources.
Filename: KBarnol2.wps
Aron Kessbury/Song to a Waitress
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A 5 page essay that interprets the poem "Song to a waitress" by Aron Kessbury. The poem is included in its entirety as the writer offers a stanza by stanza analysis. "Song to a Waitress" is a blank verse poem that expresses a great deal of anger and dissatisfaction with the transformed nature of male/female relationships that have come with the dismantling of patriarchy. The thrust of the poem expresses the narrator's longing for -- what to him -- appears to be a simpler time, a time when women, particularly lower class women, were somewhat cowed by men, that is, a time when women "knew their place." No bibliography is offered.
Filename: kharnkes.rtf
Athena and Penelope in Homer’s “The Odyssey”
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A 5 page paper which examines how the wife and the goddess influenced Odysseus, thus assuring their importance in the epic poem. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TGpenath.rtf
Auden’s Geographies
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An 11 page paper which discusses the geographies within the
poems of W.H. Auden. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAauden.rtf
Audre Lorde/Black Unicorn
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An 8 page research paper that examines several poems by African American poet Audre Lorde. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khlorde.rtf
Bai Juyi (Pai Chu-i, Bo Juyi, Po Chü-i) 772-846 -
Poet of the Tang Dynasy
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(5 pp) Bai Juyi (772-846) is considered one of the
most prolific poets of the Tang Dynasty. And the
Tang Dynasty itself (618 - 907 BCE) is considered
to be the golden age of Chinese poetry. We will
examine this poet and his works in light of his
own historic period. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Bbbaijuy.doc
Barnby's Setting Of Tennyson's "Crossing The Bar" And Ireland's Version Of Masefield's "Sea Fever": Songs Of The Sea
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5 pages in length. Understanding the greater meaning behind traditional songs of the sea enables one to gain a significantly better perspective of just how powerful the ocean's presence is in some people's lives. To those who live and breathe by the sea, her swelling waves and wafting salt air reflect a world still unknown to man yet comforting nonetheless. When Tennyson's Crossing the Bar and Masefield's Sea Fever were put to music by Barnby and Ireland, respectively, the already absorbing and intimate meanings beheld by the poems took on an even greater sense of emotion with each man's haunting melody, clearly expanding the meaning of the words. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCSngSe.rtf
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