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Papers On More Philosophers & Philosophies
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The Dichotomy of William James as it Relates to Rawls, Du Bois, and de Beauvoir
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This 8 page report discusses William James (1842-1910) and his attempt to create and/or follow a path that would lead between a rationalistic order that was not empirical enough and an empirical system so fundamentally materialistic that it was not possible that it could actually account for the value covenants on which it rested. Other writers dealing with most fundamental aspects of existence -- W.E.B. Du Bois, Simone de Beauvoir, and John Rawls -- wrote about what was essentially their version of the same process. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWdichwj.wps

The Differences of Kant and Hume; Causation
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This 6 page paper looks at the problem of knowledge and the causal relationship. The paper considers the ideas of David Hume, which Immanuel Kant claimed awoke him from his "dogmatic slumber". The development of these ideas by Kant are then considered and compared to those of Hume with a discussion as to which may be seen as the most accurate. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEkanthu.wps

The Eastern Philosophical Influence on a Modern Artist
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This 5 page paper was written in order to express the influences of eastern philosophies on a student artist. The artist uses natural materials that decay over time, and as such the ideas of philosophers such as Dogan and Keiji Nishitani as well as philosophies such as those in Taoism and Zen Buddhism are all discussed in relationship to the impermanence of objects and time, and how they may be used by this individual artist. Other philosophers such as Kant and Heidegger are also used to demonstrate ideas of relativism and impermanence as well as the use of the senses. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEartphl.wps

The Essential Elements Of David Hume's Philosophy
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5 pages in length. The essential elements of David Hume's philosophy revolve around the notion of whether or not one variable truly causes another. Combined with his conjecture on free will and determinism, Hume's theory of causal relationships address the very nature of man's religious existence. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TLCdavdH.wps

The Evolution of Consciousness
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This 8 page paper considers the work of Daniel Dennett and his book 'Consciousness Explained'. This book gives us a clear indication of how difficult it is to define consciousness and its meaning, By drawing on biological, technological and psychological disciplines many ideas are discussed. This paper looks at the arguments of Dennett regarding the evolution of consciousness, the way they clash with traditional ideas and the merits within the new paradigm. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEconsis.wps

The Fully Saturated Self Becomes No Self At All & "Hunt For Red October"
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In 16 pages the author discuses "The Saturated Self" and "The Hunt for Red October." "The Saturated Self: Dilemmas of Identity in Contemporary Life " by Kenneth J. Gergen is a study of how travel and communications technology has fragmented experience such that one's idea of the self is obsolete. Gergen states that "The fully saturated self becomes no self at all." The movie version of "The Hunt for Red October" is examined while answering the question "To what extent does 'The Hunt for Red October' support Gergen's statement?" No additional sources cited.
Filename: Selfsat.wps

The Future of the Trade Unions in the United Kingdom
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This 16 page paper considers the current and future position of the unions in the United Kingdom. To clarify the current position a brief history is considered in the context of the historical influence and existing perception of the role and stance of the unions. Their changing role is considered and different companies are discussed when considering their potential future. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: TEtrauni.wps

The Human Brain / Are We Unique?
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A 12 page research paper that looks at rather or not the human brain is a unique phenomenon. The writer surveys current studies in this topic and concludes that despite studies such as the ones that show chimps and apes as capable of learning sign language that the human brain is unique due to humanity's ability to organize complex thought and speech. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Brainhum.wps

The Idea of Government: The Comparable Views of Locke and Kant
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A 5 page discussion of the similarities between John Locke's philosophy of government and that of Immanuel Kant. Notes that each had very definitive ideas of individual rights and the relation of those rights to law and government. Contends that in practically every respect John Locke's idea of government can be demonstrated to be fully compatible with Immanuel Kant's thesis in "Idea for a Universal History". No sources are listed.
Filename: PPlckKnt.wps

The Identity Theory: Contributions of J.J.C. Smart
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A 5 page overview of the theory regarding the interaction and connectiveness of the brain and mind. First dubbed the identity theory by U.T. Place and Herbert Feigl in the 1950s, this theory was complemented by the philosophies of J.J.C. Smart who contended that the separation of brain and mind were insignificant in terms of the states and processes which they experienced. Provides physiological facts to back up the concept of a brain which is integrally joined with the mind in a process which some chose to describe as the brain emitting thought asthe liver emits bile. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPidThry.wps

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