Papers On More Philosophers & Philosophies
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Relative Truth or Absolute Truth?
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This 5 page report discusses
some of the thinking regarding whether truth is a relative or an
absolute concept. Philosophy, in general, revolves around the
fervent desire to determine what truth is. Whether or not the
discussion is related to government or religion, morality or the
act of being, it still is an effort to define what is or is not
true. This paper looks at the ideas of some well-known
philosophers in terms of whether or not they viewed truth as
relative or absolute. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWtruth.wps
Religious Prejudice and Bias: Shapers of Major World Events
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A 7 page discussion of the influence of religious prejudice and bias as an underlying theme of such apparently unrelated events as: a)The Transition From Sect to Established Religion, b)European Expansion and Medieval Christianity, c)Reform and Global Expansion, d)Modern Christianity & Pluralism, and e)Modern Christianity & Secularization. Discusses the evolution of religion and culture and that evolution's relation to world events, especially the dominance of just a few religion over others. Provides extensive examples from Christianity to conclude that the common theme underlying many of the major events which have shaped the world is prejudice and bias, a theme which has remained constant from the very beginnings of civilization to the events which we see unfolding around us today. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPcultPr.wps
Rene Descartes and Reality
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This 5 page report discusses Rene
Descartes (1596-1650) and his philosophy regarding reality. While
he is most famous for his cognito “I think, therefore I am,” that
proclamation is less than an accurate or meaningful statement as
it relates to the reality of what Descartes believed to be the
existence of humanity. Descartes’ “The Meditations” was
published in Paris in 1641 and has come to generally be viewed
as the most important of all of Descartes’ works. It is in “The
Meditations” that he best presents his metaphysical and
epistemological premises in their entirety. Bibliography lists
one source.
Filename: BWrealds.wps
Rene Descartes and the Existence of God
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This 5 page report
discusses Rene Descartes’ “Meditations” (published in 1641) and
emphasizing his work on the First Philosophy. Descartes
considers the problems of the sources and nature of knowledge;
the validity of truth; the nature and destiny of man; the
existence of God, as well as the creation of the universe.
His systematic doubt along with the presupposition of a powerful,
evil, and most importantly, deceiving spirit, are revealed by
Descartes in his “First Meditation.” No other sources.
Filename: BWdesgod.wps
Rene Descartes and “Meditations on First Philosophy”
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This 4
page report discusses Rene Descartes (1596-1650) and his three
arguments for doubt as presented in “Meditations on First
Philosophy.” No secondary sources.
Filename: BWdesmed.wps
Rockaby: Explanation in the Perspectives of Heidegger and Descartes
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A 5 page discussion of the philosophical implications of Samuel Beckett's short story "Rockaby", the story of a senile woman in a rocking chair who reminisces on her life as she rocks herself to death. Examines the twentieth century philosophies of William Heidegger and the seventeenth century philosophies of Descartes in relation to Beckett's own philosophies. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PProckab.wps
Roland Barthes: The Death of the Author
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(10 pp) French theorist and social critic, Roland
Barthes (1915 - 1980) took his information from the
areas of sociology, anthropology, psychoanalysis,
and linguistics. He believed that language is more
than just words or texts, but rather a system of
signs, which reflect the society and its given
place in time. This study of "signs" is labeled
semiology. What Barthes means by "The Death of
the Author" is discussed. Bibliography lists 7
Filename: Bbbarths.doc
Ronald Dworkin And John Rawls
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A 6 page paper. Dworkin disagrees with Rawls on a number of issues. This essay discusses some of the points that seem to be in disagreement and presents Dworkin's opinions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGdwra.wps
Rousseau And Legislation
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5 pages in length. Within the realm of life exists inherent elements to one's existence; paramount to man's existence is the concept of natural rights. Philosophers have long postulated what, exactly, these rights consist of within the massive scope of mortality, with some contending that natural rights are those that are without social infiltration, while others attest to the fact that natural rights are doled out only by social status. Jean Jacques
Rousseau's stance upon legislation mirrored many other philosophers throughout history, contending that the quest for common good might not always be the best resolution for all concerned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCrusso.wps
Rousseau and Marx Compared
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This 5 page paper compares and contrasts theories of Jean Jacques Rousseau and Karl Marx. Their ideas about the nature of man, government, religion and God are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA118M&R.doc
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