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Papers On More Philosophers & Philosophies
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Kant's and Mill's Morality Theories Compared
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This 7 page paper supports Mill's utilitarianism while showing the weaknesses in Kant's moral theory. The views are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA119phl.doc

Kant's Conception of Sublime
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A 5 page paper which discusses Kant's conception of the sublime in his Critique of Judgement. Bibliography lists 4 additional sources.
Filename: RAkantsubl.wps

Kant's Critical Philosophy
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This 10 page paper outlines Kant's critical philosophy, exploring concepts such as transcendental knowledge and the transcendental unity of apperception. The 1787, or "B" version, of his Critique of Pure Reason is used. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA023Knt.wps

Kant's Metaphysics of Morals
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This 5 page paper addresses the subject of happiness, primarily with the use of Immanuel Kant's Metaphysics of Morals. The concept of happiness is discussed in depth. Morality and virtue enter the picture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA117met.doc

Kantian Philosophy
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10 pages in length. What, if any, moral and ethical obligation is humanity under within the scope of existence? The writer discusses this question, as well as addresses Kantian metaphysics and epistemology. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCIkant.wps

Karl Marx and Alienation
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This 5 page report discusses the ideas and ideals of Karl Marx as they relate to alienation. Karl Marx spent his entire life working for revolution, in the midst of a revolutionary situation, and he was attempting to build a modern form of political and cultural organization that would further his aims. The basis of Marx’s view of contemporary society lay in his criticism of the accumulation of capital and the ways in which it alienated people from one another. He was thoroughly convinced that capitalism was economically and politically nonviable and it was certain to ultimately cause the development of the revolutionary forces that would overthrow it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWMalien.wps

Karl Marx and Alienation Compared to John Stuart Mill and Liberty
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This 8 page report discusses Karl Marx’s attitudes regarding alienation and John Stuart Mill’s theory of liberty. Karl Marx’s primary dictum, reduced in the most simplistic of terms, was that all events are determined by economic forces. Marx was always well-aware that it was not the working class but the middle class that drove history along its ever-progressing path. That reality results in a fundamental sense of alienation. John Stuart Mill believes that it is “the business of ethics” to underscore or illustrate what any person’s actual duties are and in what way those duties define individual freedom. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWmilmar.wps

Karl Marx and Immanuel Kant
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This 5 page report discusses the philosophers Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Simplistically reduced, Marx held to the pronouncement that all events are determined by economic forces. Marx was always well-aware that it was not the working class but the middle class that drove history along its ever-progressing path. Immanuel Kant believed individual thought to be the framework by which the individual was able to determine the appropriate category into which one thought process or pattern would fit over another. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWmxkant.wps

Karl Marx’s Contribution to Political Thought
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This 10 page report discusses the fact that in any discussion or research on the works of Karl Marx, that he had a singular premise, whether it related to politics, economics, or sociology. Marx’s declaration, simplistically reduced, was that all events are determined by economic forces. In terms of his separate political perspective, as much as it could ever be separated from his point of view regarding economics, it was not as opposite to the politics of many of the great politicians in the world’s modern democracies. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWmarpol.wps

Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital (‘Capital’) -- A Critique of Political Economy
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This 6 page report discusses Karl Marx (1818-83) and one of his most important works, “Das Kapital.” Marx’s fundamental assertion, in the most simple of terms, was that all events are determined by economic forces. His analysis of capitalist economy and his theories of historical materialism, the class struggle, and the meaning of value evolved as the basis of modern socialist doctrine. Those ideas are of decisive importance with respect to revolutionary action, his theories on the nature of the capitalist state, the road to power, and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Most of those ideas and ideals are captured in one of his most famous works “Das Kapital.” Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWkmcap.wps

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