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Papers On Classic Greek Philosophy
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Aristotle’s Views and Human Reproduction
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This 5 page report discusses Aristotle’s views as applied to human reproduction. The second book of the Physics is of primary consequence for understanding Aristotle’s thinking. In it, he considers nature and the distinction between the sciences and proposes his theory of the four classifications of causes, while it also establishes the existence of conclusiveness or a sense of what is final in all natural processes. Bibliography lists one source.
Filename: BWariphy.rtf

Aristotle’s “Politics” and a Constitution
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A 5 page paper which examines Aristotle’s ideals concerning a constitution in “Politics.” Bibliography lists 3 additional sources.
Filename: RAaripol.rtf

Aristotle’s “Pride is the Crown of the Virtues”
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This is a 4 page paper discussing what Aristotle meant by claiming that pride is the crown of the virtues. Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) discusses in Nicomachean Ethics (350 BC) the virtue of pride. In fact he notes that “Pride, then, seems to be a sort of crown of the virtues; for it makes them greater, and it is not found without them”. Pride in the sense of Aristotle is not arrogance but in fact is the virtue of respecting oneself and “without it, one would have no reason to trust one’s ability to live”. Man is considered vain on the other hand when he has the tendency to evaluate oneself too highly and humble if he does not evaluate himself at his own worth, whereas pride is “a rational evaluation of oneself” (Aristotle, 2003ab). Pride is the crown of the virtues because it depends upon a man’s complete goodness and balance of the virtues where a man must firstly realize his own worth, maintain this worth and goodness, and not over- or underestimate his own worth and goodness – a challenge in honor which places pride above the other virtues yet still depends upon their maintenance to be attained. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TJarist1.rtf

Art from the Aesthetician’s Perspective
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A 5 page paper presenting example of aesthetics represented in literature, art, and music. Aestheticians have broadened their collective perspectives over the past century and particularly in the space of the last several decades. Aesthetics seeks to examine art forms not only for beauty, but now also for cultural relevance. The paper discusses Yeats as an example of transition from romance to modernism in literature, Renoir’s origination of the impressionist style of art and why the aesthetician will more readily accept the beauty of Béla Bartók’s music over that of Eminem or Stevie Ray Vaughn. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSphiloAesthArt.rtf

Being and Becoming -- The Core of all Philosophical Issues
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This 5 page report discusses the issue of what it means to be human, what it even means to be. Does an individual become human or is that individual only that individual? How does being differ from to be? Using the concepts presented by Plato in “The Allegory of the Cave,” the writer shows what it means to be compared to what it means to be in the process of becoming. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWphliss.wps

Bertrand Russell on Plato's Attempts to Account For Knowledge of the Nature of Reality
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A 3 page paper which contemplates what Bertrand Russell would think of Plato's attempts to account for our knowledge of the nature of reality. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TGruspla.wps

Bill Gates and Plato -- Masters of Rhetoric
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This 5 page report discusses Plato and Microsoft chairman Bill Gates in terms of their rhetorical powers. To include the persona and accomplishments of Microsoft’s Bill Gates in the discussion of Plato and rhetoric is to introduce a component of the modern world that demonstrates the ways in which vision can be (and has been) interpreted as a characteristic of successful commercial development. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWrhetor.rtf

Callicles and Socrates
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A four page paper which looks at the dialogue between Callicles and Socrates in Gorgias, the different perceptions of Self which the two characters put forward, and the emphasis which Callicles places on social reputation in contrast to Socrates' support of philosophical wisdom as being superior. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: JLgorg.rtf

Capital Punishment: The Philosophies of the Ancient Greeks, Kant, Mill, and Contemporary Thinkers
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A 10 page examination of the moral acceptability of capital punishment. Explores the opinions of Pythagoras, Socrates, Kant, Mill, and others to determine if their is a common consensus of the morality of taking another life as a matter of punishment of one's deeds. Concludes that there is no consensus and that the true answer to the morality of such a practice lies in a fully developed moral consciousness. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPcapGrk.wps

Causal Necessitation and Rational Freedom: Aristotle
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A 5 page paper which discusses fate and moral responsibility as they relate to causal necessitation. The works utilized for this examination are Aristotle's "Physics 2" and "Parts of Animals." The paper then addresses how rational freedom fits in with the notion of causal necessitation. Bibliography lists 5 additional sources.
Filename: RAaristcaus.wps

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