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Papers On Classic Greek Philosophy
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Aristotle & Augustine/Religion & Ethics
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A 3 page essay/research paper that contrasts Aristotle's ethics against those of Augustine. Contrasting with these two extremes, contemporary philosopher William Frankena has sought to bring secular and religious moral philosophy into constructive engagement. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khariaug.rtf

Aristotle & Plato on Art
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A 5 page research paper that examines the attitudes of Plato and Aristotle toward art. The writer argues that while they both made the fundamental assumption that art is a form of mimesis, the imitative function that is inherent in all forms of art provoked Plato's disdain, but provoked Aristotle's curiosity. An examination of their views demonstrates that Aristotle carried his philosophy of art beyond the concepts put forth by Plato. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khartmim.rtf

Aristotle and Adam Smith on Reason and Sentiment
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This 5 page report discusses the classical philosopher Aristotle and the 18th century British philosopher and economist Adam Smith and how their views on reason and sentiment related to what each perceived to be the nature of virtue. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWariada.rtf

Aristotle and John Stuart Mill -- Concepts of Justice
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This 6 page report discusses ideas of justice as perceived by the classical philosopher Aristotle and John Stuart Mill. According to Aristotle, the human soul is made up of rational and non-rational elements. In comparison, John Stuart Mill did not model his understanding of character on any factors other than his own belief that a person’s (male or female) character develops and is forged by his or her response to society. That response is what then empowers the individual to make the necessary changes within as well as related to fundamental societal parameters. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWmilari.wps

Aristotle and Plato on Citizenship
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An 8 page paper discussing the views of these two philosophers on what constitutes citizenship in the society and who is eligible for being considered to be a true citizen. In essence, Aristotle settled on two classes: the privileged and those who served them. Those who served had no true right to determine their own destinies at all. Aristotle's true citizen could be defined as one who in reality contributed little or nothing to the society aside from the grace of his presence and existence. Plato took a much more practical view of citizenship and the need for the participation of all individuals in at least some aspect of the larger society. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KSphiloCitAP.rtf

Aristotle and the Good Stuff
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(7 pp) One of the things, that seems to happen whenever we think of philosophy, is this perverse mental block that flings itself into the air, calling something similar to, "Danger! Will Robinson. Danger! Danger!" Many of us get stuck there - take the warning and run the opposite direction. Take a deep breath, tell yourself, that thinking is not harmful to your heath and give this Greek guy a chance. This discussion will focus on some of the "good stuff:" the ideas of reason, virtue, and happiness as defined by Aristotle.
Filename: BBaristl.doc

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This paper examines some of Aristotle's philisophical foundation for political beliefs -- including the idea of nature (and natural laws) underlying the political order of his ideal polis. The three "rungs" of this ladder include the individual/family, the village and the state. Bibliogrpahy lists 1 source.
Filename: MTarigov.rtf

Aristotle and the Ideal Constitution
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A 5 page paper which examines Aristotle's "Politics" and illustrates what Aristotle sees as the foundations for the ideal Constitution. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAariplt.rtf

Aristotle and the Self-Sufficient Man
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A 5 page paper which discusses how Aristotle, as presented in "Politics," felt that while most men could not be self-sufficient, those who are find themselves incapable of working in common and are similar to beasts or to a god. The character of Achilles is also discussed in terms of this perspective. Bibliography list 2 sources.
Filename: RAarislf.rtf

Aristotle on Pride
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A 5 page essay that examines why Aristotle considered pride to be the pinnacle of virtues. Drawing on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, the writer discusses Aristotle's concept of pride. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: kharipri.wps

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