Papers On Philosophy Of Religion, God'S Existence & Freewill
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Ontology as it Relates to Philosophy
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A 7 page paper that considers the concept of ontology as it relates to philosophy, with specific concern for the works of Heidegger, Aristotle and St. Anselm. This paper first presents a basic overview of the ontological, and then considers the significance of the ontological argument within the realm of philosophy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Ontol.wps
Kant and Mill on Moral Duty
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This 5 page paper considers the views of both Immanuel Kant and the Utilitarian perspective of John Stuart Mill, as they apply to the concept of moral duty and moral worth and the appproaches to determining ethical approaches. This paper utilizes the text of Kant’s Political Writings and arguments from Mill’s Utilitarianism. No additional sources cited.
Filename: MHKantm_
David Hume's 'An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding' vs. Immanuel Kant's 'Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals'
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A 5 page paper which examines the differing views of the foundation of moral judgment offered by David Hume in An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding and Immanuel Kant's Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals. After both arguments are considered, there will be a discussion as to how each would disagree with the other's assessments, and conclude with whose argument proved most convincing and why. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TGhumkan.rtf
Kant's Categorical Imperative
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of the central elements of Kant's categorical imperative and then compares them to the moral arguments in both African philosophy and Feminist theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MHKant5.wps
Article Review / Demythologization in the Theology of Karl Rahner
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A 3 page paper reviewing this article from [The Journal of] Theological Studies. The writer discusses Rahner's particular view of God and his existence in the world. From a metaphysical perspective, Rahner's attempts to 'demythologize' God are for the purposes of making Him a more active presence, one which isn't restricted to 'god-like' events, but one which is with us every day. Full citation for article is provided.
Filename: Rahner.wps
The Nature of 'Self'
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A 6 page research paper and analysis that examines the question: 'Does our existence precede our essence?' The writer argues that it does not and substantiates this argument with quotations from Descartes, Hume, Locke and Kant. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Natself.wps
Aquinas' 'On The Eternity Of The World'
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A 9 page paper which evaluates 'On the Eternity of the World' by St. Thomas of Aquinas. This particular work of Aquinas's is described from the beginning in such a way that illustrates the many different notions that one may obtain in regards to the apparently simple statements that Aquinas makes. As the works are further discovered and discussed there are many issues which are more thoroughly detailed which brings the reader into a position where a much clearer understanding of the statements is attained. Throughout the evaluation of the work there are examinations which detail some of the weak and the strong points made by Aquinas. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Aquinet.wps
Are Dreams Meaningful ?
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This 3 page essay discusses whether or not dreams are meaningful. The writer draws heavily upon the thought of Thomas Aquinas to demonstrate that they are meaningful in terms of how their symbology relates to 'real life.' Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Dremean.wps
Notions of Existence, Change, Cambridge Change and the Philosophical
Conclusions of Thomas Aquinas of 'Existence in the Sense of the True'
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A 5 page paper which examines how Thomas Aquinas justifies the assertion,
'Existence in the sense of the true.' Specifically considered are metaphysical proponents of existence, including change, real change and
Cambridge change. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TGaquina.wps
St. Thomas Aquinas on Law, Morality, and Politics
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This 5 page
report discusses the theories and philosophies of St. Thomas
Aquinas (1225-1274) with an emphasis on the differntiations he
made regarding natural law and eternal law. The thought and
writing of St. Thomas Aquinas reconciled religion with reason,
expanded it towards experimental science, insisted that the
senses were the windows of the soul and that the reason had a
divine right to be presented with facts. He believed that natural
law is fundamentally the rational creature’s participation in
God’s eternal law. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: BWsttom.wps
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