Papers On Philosophy
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Spinoza's Conception of God
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This 5 page paper assesses Spinoza's position as it explores different ideas about God. Descartes and Leibniz are also discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA017Spn.wps
James Baldwin: His Life and Works
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6 pages. Explores the works of James Baldwin. James Baldwin was an American novelist, essayist, and dramatist who is recognized as one of the most important twentieth-century American writers. Baldwin’s influence in many of his works were the racial and sexual polarization in American society and they often served to challenge readers to confront their feelings about these subjects, thus helping them to resolve these differences. Bibliography lists 6 sources. JGAjbald.wps
Filename: JGAjbald.wps
The Concept of a 'Just War'
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18 pages on the concept of Just War and its relevant theory as explained and argued by St. Augustine and later by St. Aquinas. The writer also discusses some foundations of this theory in the works of Classic Greek and Roman philosophers as well. Just War during the Roman Empire is compared extensively to Just War during the Middle Ages. The writer concludes with a thoughtful opinion on the injustices of war in general-- except when used as a last resort in the manner specified by Aquinas. Augustine is denounced for his support of a justifiable 'unconditional' war and for doctrines which were clearly influenced by the State. No Bibliography.
Filename: Justwar.wps
Comparison Of Rousseau's & St. Augustine's Views On Human Nature
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In 5 pages, the writer compares the views on human nature of Saint Augustine in his 'Confessions', with Jean-Jacques Rousseau's views of nature in his 'Second Discourse'.
Filename: Hnature.wps
The Existence Of God / Philosophical Arguments
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This 20 page research paper assesses the age-old philosophical question on whether or not God exists. Specifically discussed are arguments presented by such theologians and philosophers as St. Anselm, Thomas Aquinas, Rene Descartes, G.W. Leibniz, Immanuel Kant, and Soren Kierkegaard who argue in favor of God's existence and Baruch Spinoza, David Hume, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell, who argue against God's existence. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: Godexis2.wps
St. Thomas Aquinas
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An 8 page paper that presents many of St. Thomas' points in refutation of Aristotelian philosophy, including those on the existence of god, and the dual sciences of philosophy versus the sacred text (i.e., from the Summa Theologica). Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Aquinas.wps
Augustine, Aquinas and Bonaventure: Views on Philosophy, Religion and
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This 8 page paper provides an overview of some essential elements
of the perspectives of Augustine, Aquinas, and Bonaventure as they
relate to the philosophy of religion. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MHAquin_
Existence of God Analyzed
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This 8 page research paper examines the philosophical inquiry into the existence of God. Specifically evaluated are the positions held by two opposing philosophers, Roman Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas, who asserted that God exists, and British philosopher David Hume, who contended that there is no proof that God exists. A critique of these arguments is provided, as well as a definitive conclusion as to which is the most convincing. Bibliography lists 7 sources. G-dExist.wps
Filename: G-dExist.wps
A Philosophical Defense of God's Existence
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This 8 page paper discusses the presence of God in the world despite the evil that exists in the world. The argument is based on philosophical arguments rather than religious, and draws on both classic philosophical thought and contemporary theory. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: Goddoes.doc
Arguing Against Kierkegaard's Proof of God's Existence
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A 3 page analysis of Kierkegaard's philosophy that we reason from existence and not towards existence and therefore God must exist. The writer is extremely critical of Kierkegaard's argument and makes a number of strong points to counter the philosopher's reasoning. No Bibliography.
Filename: Kierkega.wps
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