Papers On Philosophy
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Plato's Symposium and D'Aragona's Dialogue on the Infinity of Love
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Love runs the gamut of definition within the mind of every individual. Love has been the subject of every type of discourse from antiquity to the present. Plato addresses the concept of love in Symposium. It has also been the basis for moral discussion and the rights of women. D'Aragona's dialogue implies that the act of creation equally benefits men and women. This 5 page paper compares the ideas and beliefs of the two writers concerning the basis for love and the role of women. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KTloveas.wps
Plato's Theory of the Soul
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An 9 page paper in which the writer supports Plato's theory that the soul is not only immortal, but also can be either healthy or sick. For Plato, a healthy soul is one that is in harmony with the cosmos and strives for wisdom and knowledge. An unhealthy soul cannot recognize responsibilities to the cosmos, and therefore, does not temper desires with reason. The writer supports these ideas using Plato's own texts, including 'Crito,' 'Phaedrus' and The Republic as well as several secondary sources -- all of which are listed in bibliography.
Filename: Platosou.wps
Plato's View Of Death
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For most individuals, the questions of what came before this life and what will happen after death are the basis for the quest for truth. Many of the moral traditions of society incorporate the concept of a pre-existence and an afterlife as well as the belief that one is rewarded for a virtuous life and punished for a life lived unjustly. This 7 page paper asserts that Plato is presenting a number of concepts inherent to his belief concerning death within The Republic and Phaedo. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: KTdeathp.wps
Plato's Views On Democracy vs. Marx's Views On Capitalism
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A 5 page paper that very briefly compares Marx's thoughts about capitalism and alienation of individuals with Plato's views on democracy and the unjust individual or state that results from an imbalance in natural function. Bibliography lists four sources in addition to writings of Marx and Plato.
Filename: Marxdc.doc
Plato, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, & Engels / Views on Freedom, Equality, Democracy, and Justice
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This 8 page report discusses the views of some of the world's and history's most influential thinkers - Plato, Locke, Rousseau, and Marx and Engels - on freedom, equality, democracy, and justice. Their opinions are compared and held up to one another for contrast. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Plrme.wps
Plato: Three Similes
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A 7 page paper which discusses three
famous similes of Plato as found in his work “The Republic.”
The similes are, simile of the sun, simile of the divided
line, and simile of the cave. Bibliography lists 3
additional sources.
Filename: RAsimile.rtf
The Paradox of Learning in Plato's Meno
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This 6.5 page paper considers the nature of how we learn; disputing the idea of Plato as found in Meno that man does not attain new information but simply recollects it from a soul-base. Modern brain studies are examined as are researched educational learning styles. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BBplapdx.doc.
Friedrich Nietzsche And Karl Marx: A Critical Comparison
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A 6 page research paper comparatively discussing the philosophies of Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche. This paper critically analyzes Marx's and Nietzsche's views on freedom, the role of science in society and overall beliefs about the functions of a society as a whole. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Marxniet.wps
Friedrich Nietzsche: Freedom, Science And Politics
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A 5 page research paper on the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. This paper details Nietzsche's views on individual freedom, the use of science in philosophy and the shortcomings of politics. Nihilism and the inadequacies of socialism are also analyzed, with a an extended emphasis on the problems of politics from the viewpoint of Nietzsche philosophy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Frieniet.wps
Nietzche's 'The Anti-Christ'
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In this 8 page paper, the writer analyzes and critiques 'The Antichrist' (1888) by Friedrich Nietzsche.
Filename: Anticris.wps
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