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Papers On Philosophy
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Nietzsche On Life
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Life is a matter of interpretation. Reality is a combination of perception and definition. The individual does not have to abide by the shared meaning packages of society in order to know meaning in their lives. This 5 page paper asserts that 'life is what the individual and, by extension, society, makes of it' is the essence of Nietzsche's thoughts on the advantage and disadvantage of history for life. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KTniehis.wps

Nietzsche's 'The Antichrist'
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A 25 page argumentative essay on the issues and Frederich Nietzsche's predictions surrounding pity, negation, nihilism, and science on the antichrist in society (all who are not Christian). The writer argues that some of Nietzsche's points were valid for the antichrist, particularly as they relate to pity, negation and near annihilation. And, while there is little evidence that the development of science suffered from Christianity in this century, as posited, many of the people who perform the acts of science are just as Nietzsche would predict—empty voids without intrinsic instincts or senses about their actions. The paper concludes that despite the book's emotional and circular format and sporadic truths, it has value for at least one group of readers—the one for which it was written, the Hyperboreans. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Nietac.wps

Nietzsche's View of Philosophers
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A 4 page paper describing Nietzsche's philosophical view of the ancient philosophers such as Socrates and Plato. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Nietview.wps

Problems of Religion
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A 9 page paper discussing the views of Karl Marx, Frederick Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud regarding the role of religion in the lives of individuals and assessing the success of each in dismissing its perceived worth. Marx forbade it; Nietzsche ridiculed it as outside the realm of reality for the true thinker; Freud accused it of burdening the human race with the guilt with which we all, according to him, struggle. While each of these philosophers believed themselves to be quite successful in making religion disappear for their own purposes, neither could continually keep it at bay. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Reliprob.wps

Understanding Nietzsche/The Birth of Tragedy
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A 5 page research paper that analyzes a specific quotation from Friedrich Nietzsche's book 'The Birth of Tragedy.' The writer demonstrates that this quotation—which concerns the 'Apollonian' and the 'Dionysian' forces that oppose each other in human creativity—was pictured by Nietzsche as crucial to the creation of art. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: 99birtra.rtf

Absolutism vs. Relativism Analyzed
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This 10 page research paper examines this historic philosophical argument through definition and example. Specifically discussed are the philosophical writings of the Greek Sophists, Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, St. Thomas Aquinas, Michel de Montaigne, William James and Jean-Paul Sartre. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Absolut.wps

Locke & Machiavelli / Politics and the Interests of Man
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Machiavelli and Locke both considered the nature of government and man's individual interests as they relate to governmental structures. Machievelli's idea of fortune and Locke's 'state of nature' concept both shaped the theorists arguments about the purpose of political life. It has been posited that for Machiavelli, politics is an unpredictable arena in which ambition, deception and violence render the idea of the common good meaningless, while Locke would argue that political or civil society exists only to preserve the rights of the individual. It can be argued that for both Machiavelli and Lock, political activity, then, becomes merely a means of satisfying selfish ends. This 8 page paper considers the nature of this argument, reflects upon the elements presented in Machiavelli's Prince and Locke's Social Contract, and evaluates their importance for understanding the underpinnings of government. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Lockmach.wps

Machiavelli and Nietzche
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A 5 page paper that considers Machiavelli and Nietzche's perspectives on human nature. The premise of this paper is the comment that these two philosophers present a realistic view of human nature. This paper considers whether this comment is true, and how their perspectives had political and social impact. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Macniet.wps

State Imposed Morality -- Three Views
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An 8 page research paper on the views of Freud, Machiavelli, and Aristotle on whether the state can make people moral. The writer details the ideas of virtue and the nature of man according to each of the writers, and discusses the nature of the individual versus the state. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Freudmac.wps

The Truth of Machiavelli's The Prince
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Machiavelli's representation of truth in The Prince is rooted in a cynical view of political and personal power. He uses the tactics of confusion and misrepresentation to advance his concept of the ideal state. Machiavelli combined the traditional, or classical, and Christian thought that was prevalent in philosophical circles of his day for the purposes of presenting his concept of power. This 5 page paper examines the concept of power, truth and imagination from Machiavelli's viewpoint in The Prince. No additional sources are cited.
Filename: KTmtruth.wps

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