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Papers On Philosophy
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Plato's 'Apology' / Socrates & His Dichotomous Profiles
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A 5 page paper that reflects on the two different and seemingly contradictory profiles of Socrates that become evident in a reading of the Apology. Initially, Socrates seems almost self-effacing, but following the finding of his guilt, Socrates is noisily heroic and refuses to beg for mercy. These contradictory images are presented and demonstrates support for Socrates' belief that 'the unexamined life is not worth living.' No additional sources cited.
Filename: Socang.wps
Plato's 'Apology' / Was Socrates' 'Guilty' Verdict Just ?
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In 4 pages, the writer attempts to answer this very question. It is believed that in Athenian terms, Socrates was in fact, guilty of impiety and corrupting the young but that the integrity of his accusers needs to be more closely examined. Even in light of this, it is brought out that the concept of 'innocent until proven guilty' did not apply in this case and moreover, Socrates admitted to his own guilt. Thus, there is no reason -- from an Athenian point-of-view,-- to find Socrates 'not guilty' of the charges made against him. A very well-developed argument is provided. No Bibliography.
Filename: Socrjury.wps
Plato's 'Apology' / Wisdom Of Socrates
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A 10 page paper arguing that in the Apology, Socrates proves that all he was accused of was misguided wisdom brought about by the belief of his accusers that they were wise, rather than consider the possibility that they had no special claim on wisdom. In the course of that inquisition Socrates not only proves their ignorance, but true to his purpose also uses the opportunity to continue to teach his pupils, despite their designs for him. In this life or death situation, he is able to convey that virtue is important above all else and that knowledge can be achieved by this understanding. However, the pursuit of wisdom is never complete, because even in the last moments of his life, Socrates was still learning the wisdom behind the Oracle's original message. The primary source is cited.
Filename: Apology.wps
Plato's 'Crito' -- Analysis Of Socrates' Decision To Remain In Prison
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In this well- reasoned essay of 4 pages, the writer analyzes Socrates' decision to remain in prison and await death-- even when Crito gave him the opportunity to flee. It is argued that Socrates' choice was a logical one in light of his own philosophy : civil obedience was of primary importance and even if his pending execution wasn't morally just, Socrates recognized it as civil law. It is ultimately concluded that Socrates could not have ever justified his own philosophies and be remembered in the same light if he had escaped from prison to save his own life. No Bibliography.
Filename: Socrapri.wps
Plato's 'Crito' / Fallacies In Socrates' Arguments
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The philosophies of Socrates are presented by Plato in his rendition of the circumstances surrounding Socrates' trial and death. Socrates was given ample opportunity to escape the death sentence by escaping to Thessaly. He chooses to stay and to abide by the decision of the court, regardless that it was incorrect. He presents his arguments to his friend, Crito, when he comes to convince him to escape. Plato was making the point concerning the duty of a citizen to abide by the laws but in presenting them as he did, through the dialogue of Socrates in a fictionalized historical account, there were inherent fallacies within these arguments 5 page paper critically examines the arguments presented. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Critop.wps
Plato's 'Gorgias'
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A 5 page paper that demonstrates Socrates' arguments in Plato's Gorgias. The writer reflects on Socrates' contention that oration is closer to flattery than to philosophy. Bibliography lists no additional sources.
Filename: Gorgias.wps
Plato's 'Gorgias' / Socrates On The Plight Of The Unjust
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A 6 page paper discussing the life of the unjust according to Socrates as is written by Plato in 'Gorgias.' The unjust is often unhappy and lives a life filled with evil. Socrates describes the nature of the unjust and the just. He gives many examples throughout the dialogue of which some have been described below. some weaknesses are also discussed. Bibliography cites the URL from which the full text of Plato's work was obtained.
Filename: Gorgia.wps
Plato's 'Meno' / The Immortality of the Soul
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A 4 page paper that provides an overview of the arguments of Socrates regarding the immortality of the soul and its implication for inquiry.
Filename: Plmeno.wps
Plato's 'Meno' / The Paradox of Socrates
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A 3 page paper that provides an overview of Socrates' paradox of inquiry and considers the elements that apply to recollection and wrongdoing within the paradox outlined in Plato's 'Meno.' No additional sources cited.
Filename: Paradox.wps
Plato's 'Meno' vs. Plato's 'Phaedo' / Is Learning Recollection
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A 3 page paper that provides an overview of Socrates' argument in regards to knowledge and supports his belief that man does not attain new information, but simply recollects things that the soul has known and experienced since the beginning of time. Bibliography lists no additional sources.
Filename: Menoph.wps
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