Papers On Native Indian Studies
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The Apaches
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An 11 page overview of the Apache people as they existed after contact with non-Natives. Recalls the tremendous pressures which were exerted on the people and the retaliations of men like Geronimo. Concludes, however, that the Apache only for their expertise in warfare, and indeed for only that particular time in history, is an injustice to their culture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Napache.wps
The Aztecs and Cortez’s Spanish Conquistadors: Conquest or Colonization?
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A 28 page overview of the Spanish conquest and colonization of the Aztec people of central Mexico. Emphasizes the radical differences in cultural viewpoints between these two people, particularly their differences in regard to the use of natural resources. Notes that despite the obvious atrocities committed by Spain, and by men like Hernando Cortez in particular, many still question whether Cortez conquered the Aztecs or whether the events which unfolded were simply a matter of Spain colonizing Mexico. Concludes that not only did Cortez actually conquer the Aztec, he did so in an exceedingly cruel and relentless manner and he did so under the guise of colonization. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Filename: PPnaCrtz.wps
The Black Hills: The Oglala Sioux Land Claim
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A 3 page consideration of the contras that has existed between the Oglala Sioux's regard for the
Black Hills and the U.S. government's regard for the region. The Black Hills of South Dakota are a sacred place for the Oglala Sioux. They are
also a highly valuable place from an economic perspective and are thus the subject of considerable dissension between the Oglala and the
non-Natives that are struggling to control them. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPnaBlHl.rtf
The Blackfeet
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A 10 page overview of the Blackfeet. Provides historical information from the eighteenth century onward including specific information regarding subsistence patterns and ceremonies such as the Sun Dance and the Shaking Tent Ceremony, as well as contemporary population numbers. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Blckfoot.wps
The Case Against Leonard Peltier
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This paper explores the Leonard Peltier murder case from all perspectives, focusing on the following:,, U.S. v. Peltier, the FBI's defense, Robert Redford and Michael Apted's film, and various other critics and commentators on the incident. Sections include intro, background, Peltier's case, FBI case, and the court case. Bibliography lists 13 sources. JVpelter.rtf
Filename: JVpelter.rtf
The Cherokee: A Brief History and Insight into Their Culture
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An 8 page overview of the culture and history of this American Indian group. The author emphasizes that today the Cherokee, in many ways, are little different from mainstream While culture in the United States. They have, in fact, assimilated almost completely into that culture. At the time of contact with non-Natives, however, there were often substantial differences between Cherokee and White culture. These differences translated into rocky relationships between the Cherokee and the United States government, relationships which eventually resulted in the forced removal of most of the Cherokee from their homelands, the establishment of a government reservation for the people, and the separation of the nation into two distinctly different political units. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPnaCHgv.rtf
The Circumstances Leading Up to the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
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A 14 page discussion of the many injustices which were dealt to Native Americans in the early history of this country. Assimilation policies, particularly those involving the taking of Native children and placing them in boarding schools or in non-Native homes, were particularly abhorrent. The ICWA is a step in the right direction for preventing the extinction of Native Americans as a whole. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PPnaChWl.rtf
The Conflict Between Native Americans and the English Colonists in the Seventeenth Century
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An 8 page overview of the conflict which erupted between the English colonists and the Native inhabitants of the Americas. The arrival of the Pilgrims and the Puritans to the Americans would prove the beginning of an insurmountable blow to the Native American peoples who inhabited the continent. This blow would waft across the entire east coast of the Americas in just a few short years. In its sometimes bloody and violent wake would lie a devastated people, the Native Americans. The stories which would unfold, although differing somewhat between the north and the south, would be essentially the same. The English wanted what it was that the Native American had and they were willing to kill to get it. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPnaEngl.rtf
The Creek Indians: Culture and Custom
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A 12 page overview of the traditional culture of the Creek Indians and how this culture has suffered after contact with Europeans. Outlines such customs as familial relationships, the importance of clans, and the role of women. Concludes that although the Creeks have been largely assimilated into mainstream White culture they have managed to retain some semblance of their traditional cultures. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PPnaCrk.wps
The Decline of Native American Culture
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A 5 page overview of the factors which have affected Native American culture. Defines Native American culture as being composed of a number of distinctive components. Relates the concern that while the number of Native
Americans may be increasing, the cultures of many groups are being
lost as they associate more and more with mainstream white America.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPnaDstr.wps
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