Papers On Music, Film, Television, Theater & Photography
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"As Good As It Gets": Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
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5 pages in length. Hollywood is well known for depicting real-life health concerns as a means by which the public may become more educated on the given topic. In James L. Brooks' As Good As It Gets, Jack Nicholson plays an obsessive-compulsive writer whose life is somewhat hampered by his involuntary disorder.. When discussing the fundamental properties of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), the student will want to note that the individual is compelled to perform repetitive actions – such as washing one's hands several times in a row, checking and rechecking that appliances are turned off or being irrationally fearful of things that do not warrant such a reaction – to the point of extreme excess. These rituals ultimately overtake the individual's entire existence that some people are paralyzed from partaking of typical social functions. Research findings indicate that nearly 2.5% of the population suffer from OCD at some point throughout their lives, with three to five million Americans of both genders and all race/socioeconomic background overwhelmed by the disorder every year. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLC_OCD.rtf
"Babette's Feast"
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A 5 page discussion of the film "Babette's Feast," based on the book by Isaak Dineson. The paper presents a summary of the film, an examination of the message within the film, a discussion of the film presentation, and also looks at what we may learn from this film. Bibliography lists 1 additional source.
Filename: RAbabett.wps
"Boys Don't Cry": Historical Implications Of Gender Assumption
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6 pages in length. The impact of historical American gender assumptions and gender expectations upon Brandon Teena, the main character in 1999's Boys Don't Cry, illustrates the perpetual cycle of racism that has permeated society for centuries. When the student considers the extent to which Teena goes in order to live life as a male, rather than the biological female genetic composition with which she was born, it becomes very clear how unevolved society is as a whole when it comes to people living outside the ever-stringent boundaries of social dictates. Bibliography lists 5 sources.TLCboys.rtf
Filename: TLCboys.rtf
"Breakfast at Tiffany's" and "Sunset Boulevard": The Portrayal of Women
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A 6 page review of these classic movies. Outlines the plot and points our both commonalties and contrasts between the lead female characters in each. Concludes that while each is desperately trying to control their own societal circumstance, it is really that circumstance which is controlling them. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPmvTiff.wps
"Bring It On": How The Film Shapes World Views In Terms Of Gender, Race, Class And Sexuality
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7 pages in length. Peyton Reed's 2000 production of Bring It On, a film that humorously portrays issues of teenage sex, is a primary example of how contemporary film shapes social views in terms of gender, race, class and sexuality. The manner by which this movie tends to instruct people how to perceive themselves relates to the influence that popular culture has over the general public. The image of power, gender and class roles in popular culture reflects significant patriarchal control, with the manipulation of the female gender a pertinent component of its objective. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCbring.wps
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This 4 page paper discusses the play "Carnival!" and why it would be particularly adapted to production on a thrust stage. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: HVCarniv.rtf
"Casablanca": Patriarchy And The Film's Ending
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5 pages in length. Analyzing the film Casablanca for problems may appear a bit difficult, inasmuch as the classic movie leaves little for one to criticize. However, looking deeper within the film beyond what one finds on the screen leads one to its production issues, with the most significant of all being that there was no planned ending until quite late into the shooting schedule. Seventy-five contract writers were given the task of developing an ending that would a) complement the film's story, b) be as logical as possible given the movie's already enigmatic tone and c) not offend the censors. This monumental task would haunt both writers and production crew until the very last minute when the historical scene was conceived. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCCasab.wps
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The writer discusses the fact that this
particular sense of filmatic space is not restricted only to technical or visual effects, but rather, it also involves the vast social, psychological and political uses of space,
as well.
These two films effectively capture a sense of space -- both indoors and outdoors, expansive and claustrophobic -- that is not only thematically explored but also significantly exploited by the directors. Bibliography lists 7 sources
Filename: TLCspace1.rtf
"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"
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An 18 page paper which discusses how the film
"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was distributed in China, yet appeared to be a flop.
The success of the film in America is also discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAcrouching.wps
"Dancing at Lughnasa"
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This 3 page paper discusses some of the themes in Brian Friel's play "Dancing at Lughnasa." Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: HVLughna.rtf
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