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Papers On Health Care
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Pharmacotherapy and Cognitive Therapy
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5 pages in length: This paper reviews the fact that there is an ongoing debate as to whether the unipolar depressive patient responds better to pharmacotherapy or cognitive therapy based treatment. Studies reveal that patients do indeed benefit from a continued treatment of cognitive therapy in treating unipolar depression. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: JGAdeprn.doc

Pharmacy in the Year 2035
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An interesting 5 page look at an American where medicine can be dispensed to anyone- whether or not they have enough money to pay for it. Based on the assumption that Bill Clinton's 1996 health care initiative would have been passed, this paper examines what pharmacy would be like in the year 2035. Pharmacists themselves will have a much greater wealth of responsibilities including consultation services, more stringent educational requirements (Doctor of Pharmacy Degree, etc;). Issues concerning pricing and the pharmaceutical industry itself are examined as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Pharmfut.wps

Pharmacy in the Year 2035 # 2
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In this 5 page essay, the writer feels that a future world in which Bill Clinton's health care initiative had been passed would be with an institutionalized, old-fashioned multi-tier system of health care. Prescriptions are more readily available in this fictitious version of the year 2035 and the role of the pharmacist has inherently evolved from being just a "providor" to that of a "public educator." Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Pharmfu2.wps

Pharmacy in the Year 2035 # 3
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6 pages in length. An insightful look at what pharmacy and pharmaceutical care would be like in the year 2035 if Bill Clinton's 1996 health care initiative had been passed. The writer points optimistically to many positive changes including greater accessibility to medicine, better cost control, and more.. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Pharmfu3.wps

Physical Therapy and Funding Issues
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This 4 page paper provides an overview of this issue. The problem of state and federal funding for physical therapy is examined. The paper includes a letter to an Assemblyman supporting a pending bill. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA319pt.rtf

Physicians Assistant: An Occupational Choice
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A 4 page statement written from the perspective of an individual pursuing certification as a physicians assistant. Notes that even a brief review of the licensing situation in the medical profession it becomes obvious that without professional certification and/or licensing an individual can do little in terms of patient care in any type of medical environment. Emphasizes that pursuing certification and licensing in the medical profession therefore becomes a priority for anyone that is interested in actively interacting with a patient to achieve physical improvement from whatever symptoms they are experiencing or to determine what the problem is in the first place. Outlines the personal experience of the applicant in phlebotomy, as a licensed practical nurse, and as a massage therapist, which has prepared the applicant for success in the future occupation of physicians assistant. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPphysAs.wps

Placeboes And Miracles
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The world of today presents changes in all areas of health, including life expectancy, fertility rates, infectious diseases and health inequalities. This 5 page paper explores the concept of the 'miracle drug' as well as the application of the placebo effect. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KTplcebo.wps

Polypharmacy and the Elderly
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This 6 page report discusses the concept of polypharmacy and the problems it may cause for older people. Polypharmacy is much more complex than just the number of medications a patient uses and older people are particularly at risk for adverse effects of negative drug interactions and reactions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWpoyphr.rtf

Porcelain Crowns
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This 5 page paper compares different types of crowns with a focus on the all porcelain and the porcelain fused with metal varieties. Pros and cons of each are provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA029por.wps

Postnatal Exercise
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A 4 page paper discussing exercise after the birth of an infant. Unlike prenatal conditions, postnatal conditions do not prohibit much in the way of exercise. Normally, six to eight weeks after the birth of a child, a normal exercise routine can be implemented. Various type of exercise can prove very beneficial to the new mother as it increases energy, strength, and reduces stress. The only type of evidence that has been found to prove that exercise may be less than beneficial relates to the nursing infant who may prefer milk from their mother who does not exercise strenuously. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: RApostna.wps

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