Papers On Health Care
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Occupation Verses Profession: Examples in the Medical Field
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A 10 page discussion of the differences in an occupation and a profession. Discusses professional ethics and codes of conduct. Utilizes specific examples confronting the medical profession to illustrate professional responsibility and how that responsibility can sometimes be adversely impacted. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPprofOc.wps
Oral Health in America -- Underserved Low-Income Children and
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This 10 page report discusses the fact that oral health
is an essential component of overall physical health and
well-being but that a remarkably small number of low-income
families and individuals receive minimum, much less adequate,
oral health care and treatment. For example, the point is made
that “dental disease rates for children living in poverty
continue to be higher than their middle-class counterparts, while
public funding for oral health programs has continually decreased
since the mid 1980s.” Literature related to the topic is
reviewed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: BWdentor.wps
Orem’s Self Care Deficit Theory in the Emergency Room Environment
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A 10 page discussion of the applicability of Orem’s theory to the emergency room environment. The author of this paper asserts that in the fast-paced environment of the emergency room it is easy to forget that nursing, as a necessity, must address both patient and the health care system. Emergency nursing methodologies, to be most effective, must also take into account other factors such as culture, ethnicity, race, socioeconomic background and educational attainment. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PPnrsTh3.rtf
Organizational Analysis: Hamot Medical Center
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A 14 page paper assessing the success that this Erie, Pennsylvania hospital has had in striving for nursing excellence and making the best use of all resources available to it. In the manner in which the old business cycle underwent so many changes that today’s version needed the designation of the “new economy,” so does Hamot Medical Center discuss and pursue the “new nursing” that both builds and preserves the professionalism of nursing. The paper examines the hospital’s organizational structure, vision and mission, and assesses the organization’s success in pursuing and achieving its goals. The paper discusses the role of organizational structure in maintaining an atmosphere in which change is both possible and positive. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: KSnursHamotOrg.rtf
Organizational Behavior in the Healthcare Industry: A View of the
Industry, Managerial Behavior and Issues Surrounding Organizational
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This 30 page paper reflects upon the transformation of the healthcare industry in recent years and the impact on the organizational structure. This paper considers organizational behavior as an indicator of the inherent change in the industry, and relates issues like changes in management behavior, change in consumer focus, and the restructuring of the healthcare industry within the scope of this study. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Filename: MHorgbeh.wps
Outsourcing Employee Training in the Rural Health Care Environment
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A 5 page discussion of the need for in-house training in the rural health care organization. The author points out that attracting and retaining
qualified employees is a formidable task regardless of the industry or the location. For hospitals in rural areas, however, this task becomes even more difficult. One of the most important components of this process is the provision of measures for in-house training. In-house training can meet both existing and anticipated employee training needs
and offers incentives for employee recruitment and retention. This paper contends that outsourcing is the most effective means of providing this training. Bibliography lists sources.
Filename: PPempTrn.rtf
Pain Management
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A 5 page research paper that offers an overview of pain from a theoretical nursing standpoint. The writer first defines pain according to nursing standards and then offers empirical referents, as well as other topics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khpnmgmt.rtf
Pain Management
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7 pages. An in-depth look at the study of pain management. Specifically addresses the implications that psychological models of pain have for pharmacological/medical approaches to pain management. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: JGApainm.rtf
Pain Management Theory
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A 5 page paper constructing a new theory of nursing as it relates to postoperative pain management following hip replacement surgery. The new nursing theory constructed here is that a better approach to postoperative pain management associated with hip replacement surgery is to avoid as much immediate pain sensation as possible. This restricts use of the drugs most open to abuse to use only during the first 24 hours following surgery, and it further restricts the use of that class of drugs to the hospital setting where there often is greater accountability. Further, it disallows interference of the first subsystem of pain management with the second, and can serve to result in more favorable patient outcomes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSnursPainMgmt.rtf
Patient Stress
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This 9 page paper considers the subject of patient stress. In the first half of the paper the causes and results of patient stress are considered, including he physical symptoms. The writer then considers how different nursing models may help of hinder the nursing of stressed patients. The writer uses the Newman model and the servant leadership model. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Filename: TEpstres.wps
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