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Papers On Health Care
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HMOs: History and Future
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A 10 page paper divided into two parts. The first is a five-page discussion of HMOs' history and future, concentrating on Paul Ellwood's (2002) proposal that the HMO structure be replaced with his HEROIC one. The second part of the paper answers 4 questions addressing Medicare and Medicaid's influence on the evolution of American healthcare, and assessment of President Bush's ban on continued collection of stem cells from aborted embryos. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KShmoHistory.rtf

Home Health Care Verses Public Health Care: Similarities and Differences
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A 13 page overview of the similarities and differences which exist between different health care delivery mechanisms. The author of this paper asserts that while there are many similarities, however, we must acknowledge that differences do exist according to organizational structure and environment as well as culture. This paper provides a detailed overview of several mechanisms which allow us to overcome these differences and to ensure the most effective delivery of healthcare in all environments. Critical pathways are one of the most important of these mechanisms. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: PPhlthC2.rtf

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A 5 page paper which discusses making the decision for hospice as opposed to continuing with medical treatments aimed at curing the condition. Different examples and illustrations of various possibilities are discussed, with stress upon the involvement of the nurse. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RAhospice.wps

Hospital Mergers / Pros and Cons
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A 6 page overview of the history of structural change within U.S. hospitals. An emphasis is placed on the merging of smaller hospitals into large hospital systems and the pros and cons of those mergers. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Hospmerg.wps

Hospitality Training
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7 pages in length. The writer discusses four aspects of hospitality training, including how a particular instructional provider delivers the program; the modes of delivery it utilizes; issues that may affect the learner; and available resources. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLChospi.rtf

Hospitalization Of Nursing Home Residents – Article Review
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A 7 page paper that reviews a journal article entitled Hospitalization of Nursing Home Residents: A Qualitative Study by Kutner and colleagues. Specific questions are addressed, including: problem studied, purpose of study, research method, sample population, data collection and analysis, strengths and weaknesses and the implications of the study. This study considered the relationship between registered nurse/nursing home resident staffing ratio and hospitalizations of the residents. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGrnns.rtf

How Quality Of Diet, Body Position And Time After Feeding Influence Behavioral States In Low Birth Weight Infants
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6 pages in length. There are myriad factors involved with influencing behavioral states in low birth weight infants, including – but not limited to – quality of diet, body position and time after feeding. For example, recent studies have clearly indicated the connection between diet and behavioral states is more involved than previously believed; that low birth weight infants are typically denied the standard nitrogen supply during early development, research suggests the need for aggressive nitrogen supplementation throughout the first days and weeks of life. The effects of body position during sleep and other quiet times have just as significant a role in behavioral outcome, based upon a recent study that evaluated LBW babies. And finally, current research has illustrated how nutrient assimilation is determined in great part upon the LBW infant's body position and time after feed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCLowWt.rtf

Human Growth Hormone
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An Overview of Somatropin, Its Relation to the Endocrine System and Role in Human Development and Health : A 5 page overview of the importance of growth hormone in the human body. Contends that growth hormone can have a tremendous impact on both children and adults. It can manifest itself in both physical and psychological ways including dwarfism, giganticism, and depression. Examines the use of growth hormone replacement therapy and concludes that although this approach offers certain promise, it can be quite controversial given the as yet inconclusive results of the therapy.
Filename: PPHormon.wps

Image and Results in the Pharmaceutical Industry
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A 7 page paper discussing problems in the pharmaceutical industry in the US and its likely outlook for the early part of the new century. There is little new in the pharmaceutical industry in the pattern of long development times, high R&D costs and efforts to recoup costs and generate profits in the relatively short time that the developing company has protected rights to a formula. What is new is the growing complexity of the diseases and conditions now under study and the immense increases in costs over the years. Some point to the fact of 2001’s 4.4 percent growth as a mark of doom, but that likely is not the case. The general economy grew during the same period only by just over 2 percent. Growing at only twice the rate of the national economy generally is not a sign of doom. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtPharmaMkt.rtf

Imogene King: Critique of Her Nursing Theory
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A 5 page outline of Imogene King's "General Systems Framework" theory. Developed during the mid 1960s and first published in 1971, this theory emphasizes the importance of the interaction between nurses and patients. Views this interaction as an open system which is in constant interaction with a variety of environmental factors. Points out the applicability of this theory to nursing today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPnrsKng.wps

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