Papers On Medical Ethics
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British Law/Consent
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A 5 page research paper that examines the issue of informed consent in British medical law. The writer defines consent and then explores British law in regards to a scenario in which a patient suffering from a drug overdose is admitted to a hospital ED and refuses treatment. The writer discusses the ethical dilemma that this presents for the nurse trying to obtain consent and the writer argues that the nurse can treat the patient, under these circumstances, because the intoxicated state of the patient precludes the ability to make informed consent. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: khbritcn.rtf
California Civil Code §43.5 And Doctor-Patient Sexual Relations
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6 pages in length. Pete and Suzie, married for ten years, have recently experience several episodes of martial discord; as such, they both agreed to seek marital counseling in an effort to overcome their difficulties. They sought the professional services of one Dr. Sleeze, a well known marriage counselor/psychiatrist employed by the Clinic For The Sexually Dysfunctional Female. During the course of the counseling, Pete discovered his wife Suzie and Dr. Sleeze had been regularly engaging in sexual relations during the therapy sessions, a realization that caused him severe mental distress. Pete sues Dr. Sleeze and the Clinic for malpractice and negligent infliction of mental distress and suffering; however, the doctor counters the lawsuit and makes a motion to dismiss it on the grounds that California Civil Code §43.5 specifically prohibits all such lawsuits. Pete counters back under the protection of California's crime of sexual exploitation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCCalCivCod.rtf
California Compassionate Care Act
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This 5 page paper examines some of the issues surrounding the California Compassionate Choices Act (CCCA), which would allow terminally ill California adults to end their own lives with physician assistance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: HVCAComp.rtf
Case Study -- The Hamot Medical Center
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This 6-page essay details a comprehensive case study of this member of the Hamot Health Foundation, and reviews such things as conflict management, the role of management in conflict negotiation, and mediation in the industry of health care. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JGAhamot.doc
Case Study on Death and Dying
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This 5 page paper relays a case study presented by a student regarding a patient and his family. The case is analyzed in light of several theories of death and dying. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's paradigm is critically evaluated. Sigmund Freud's attention to grief work is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA120grf .doc
Cases in Medical Ethics
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A 25 page paper discussing the complexities of decisions
surrounding medical care and available alternatives. Advances in medicine have brought
wonderful and miraculous cures for many, and have extended life expectancy and quality of life as
well. Not all cases are easy to categorize, however, and the best course of action is not always
readily discernible. Four such cases are discussed here, calling on Kant, Aristotle, common sense
and compassion. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSmedEthics.wps
Changing Attitudes About Death: The Twentieth Century
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A 11 page discussion of the evolution in our view of death. Notes how this view has changed over the last century from one in which we took personal responsibility for the care of our ill and aged and even in the final details of their burial to one in which we turn to professionals such as doctors, nurses, and undertakers. Suggests that this view is changing once again with the advent of a greater desire for palliative care and hospices. Provides statistics for both the United States and Canada. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PPdeath2.wps
Christian Morality Issues With Stem Cell Research
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This 8 page paper focuses ethical and moral issues regarding embryonic stem cell research. The writer approaches the topic using comments from experts and explains the controversy has one issue at its core: exactly when does human life begin? The essay explains what stem cells are and where they come from for the research as well as the benefits of stem cell research, in general. The morality issues are discussed using Scripture and documents from the Catholic Church. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PGemstr.rtf
Chronic Undertreatment of Pain in Elderly Home-Care Patients
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A 10 page consideration of pain treatment in the elderly patient. This paper emphasizes a three-pronged approach to pain management. This approach includes adequate pain assessment, constant monitoring, and the willingness to use both pharmacological and non-pharmacological intervention in pain treatment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPeldPn2.rtf
Classical Arrangement: Why Stem Cell Research Is Moral
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5 pages in length. Controversy surrounding hotly debated medical procedures abounds, particularly when there are ethical and moral concerns involved. The extent to which stem cell research has ignited a veritable battle is both grand and far-reaching; that opponents and supporters alike hold such fervent opinions illustrates the tremendous implications of the method's potentiality. However, as with virtually all debates of this emotional magnitude, one side typically holds a greater foundation of validity than the other; with the subject of stem cell research, it is quite clear to see how it is a moral procedure given its ability to save untold numbers of lives that would otherwise be lost. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCStemCell.rtf
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