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Papers On Disease, Treatment, & Epidemiology
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Education in Emergency Nurse Triage
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A 20 page paper discussing the concept of triage and the education of triage nurses in emergency departments. Triage is the process and practice of categorizing emergency room patients according to physical need to be seen by a physician. Triage categorizes patients according to physical need so that those who need to be seen first are, those who can wait do. The state of triage education is such that triage nurses may be greatly experienced and well trained, or they may be barely conversant in the concept. Efforts are underway to ensure that nurses performing triage duty are qualified and experienced. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KSnursTriage.rtf
Effects of Cocaine Use on the Brain: Regions of the Brain, Neurotransmitters, Long and Short Term Effects
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This is a 6 page paper discussing the effects of cocaine use on the brain. Abstract included.
Cocaine has been found to be one of the most popular and easily available addictive drugs in today’s population. The popularity of cocaine is not only in its increased availability and decreased price over the past few decades but also because of its addictive qualities. The addictive nature of cocaine is based on the neurotransmitter dopamine which is responsible for the emotional feeling of a “high” from cocaine use. Cocaine inhibits the reuptake mechanism for dopamine concentrations in the synaptic cleft on specific neurotransmitters and the resulting higher concentration leads to an increased emotional response. Short and long terms effects of cocaine use have been shown to include brain hemorrhages, seizures, hypertension, high blood pressure, tachycardia, developmental problems in “crack babies” and in some cases death. While these severe effects are due to cocaine use, other severe effects can also result from cocaine withdrawal.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJEfCoc1.rtf
Effects of High Heels on Women's Backs
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This 5 page research paper examines the negative impact of high-heel shoes on women's backs and offers suggestions to alleviate such pain. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Heelback.rtf
Emergency Medical Services Communication Barriers to Access for Prostitutes, Transsexuals and the Homeless Population
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This is a 6 page paper with added tutorial language discussing the emergency medical services communication barriers which exist in the special populations of prostitutes, transsexuals and homeless populations. Although various emergency and health care services are offered in Toronto and the province of Ontario, the populations of homeless people, prostitutes and transsexuals are reluctant to use these services. All three of these populations have reported harassment, and “treat ‘em and street ‘em” minimal services from emergency health care services. This adds to the reluctance to contact these services in addition to the fear of contacting official agencies because of the legal implications. Incidence of drug and alcohol abuse and underage prostitution in addition to the high degree of violence associated with prostitution lead to an obvious initial degree of reluctance to contact authorities in regards to emergency assistance. Unfortunately, these populations have a higher need of emergency services than most due to the increase risk of substance abuse, exposure to disease and in the case of transsexuals, complications due to the administration of hormones. Despite the findings from most studies, initial examination of services offered in homeless shelters in the Toronto area show that these first contact agencies do not include access to emergency and health care services. In order to improve communication to these populations first contact should perhaps be instigated through these initial services.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TJEMSba1.rtf
Emergency Medical Services: A Critical Link in the "Chain of Survival"
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An 8 page discussion of the importance of emergency medical services in saving lives. Contends that emergency medical services are the first line of defense against death. Emphasizes the importance of these services in all types of medical emergencies but stresses cardiac arrest as a particularly critical need for emergency services. Concludes that the key to decreasing mortality, however, is not just the presence of an emergency medical team or medical facility but a combination of a medically aware and conscientious public, adequate emergency equipment and facilities, and adequately trained emergency medical staff. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPmedEmr.wps
Emerging And Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases
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A 12 page paper that begins with an explanation of infectious diseases. Beginning fifty years ago, the medical profession believed that infectious diseases were under control and in fact, believed that many had been eliminated entirely. That turned out to be a naïve assumption. Over the past two decades, we have seen both "emerging" and "re-emerging" infectious diseases become a major health problem in many geographic regions. This paper identifies some of the emerging diseases and some of the re-emerging diseases and discusses the factors involved in their appearance. The writer comments on bioterrorism but points to other reasons as being far more significant in both emerging infectious diseases and re-emerging diseases. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGinfct.rtf
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This 3 page paper gives a scholarly overview of the disease, emphysema, with an emphasis on clinical research. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MBempyh.rtf
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This 12 page paper provides a comprehensive overview of emphysema, one of the two primary chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)/chronic obstructive lung diseases (COLD). This paper offers an beginning introduction to how the lung functions, focusing on how emphysema affects the functioning. Other topics include: incidence of the disease; symptoms; diagnosis; treatment and prognosis. Bibliography lists 7 sources. tf
Filename: PGemphys.r
End Stage Renal Failure: Hemodialysis And The Elderly
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15 pages in length. The writer describes the procedure of hemodialysis and then discusses the biological and sociological impacts that end stage renal failure and this procedure have upon the elderly. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: TLCrenal.wps
Entamoeba histolytica: Description, History, and Etiology of an Organism Associated with Infectious Diarrhea and Dysentery
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A 5 page overview of this single-celled eukaryote, a common parasite among all classes of vertebrates, several invertebrates, and quite possibly a variety of unicellular organisms. This paper provides a morphological description of the organism, an overview of its life history, and a review of its impacts to humans and the treatment methodologies which are employed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPdysent.rtf
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