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Papers On Disease, Treatment, & Epidemiology
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Colon Cancer
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This 6 page paper looks at a basic outline of colon cancer. The paper is divided into four sections covering etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEcolcan.wps

Colorectal Cancer Screening
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An 8 page paper. Colon cancer is one that is 90 percent preventable IF people over the age of 50 are screened for the disease. This paper discusses the colon's function, the incidence of colon cancer and five-year survival rates, differences among some minority groups, symptoms of the disease, the different screening tests used and the barriers to screening. Data included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGclncnc.rtf

Common Colds And The Flu / Causes And Cures
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10 pages in length. Inasmuch as people "catch" a cold on the average of twice a year for adults and around six times for children, the medical community is still looking for definitive reasons behind its existence and elusive cure. Established most often as a viral condition, the common cold comes in an assortment of over two hundred types, which explains why people can be stricken with one after another after another. However, as miserable as one might be with a cold, the flu is all that and worse. Also appearing primarily in the colder months, influenza mirrors many of the same symptoms as the cold, except for the fact that it most often stems from only three viruses: type A, B and C. The writer discusses causes and cures in relation to colds and the flu. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: ColdFlu.wps

Community Assessment Based on the Self Care Deficit Nursing Theory: Implications for Atlantic County, New Jersey
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A 7 page overview of the concerns of a community assessment for health care concerns. Uses Atlantic County New Jersey as an example of a community with a number of health care concerns which are important in the self-care deficit theory. Provides statistical tables of the demographic, mortality, and disease factors impacting this area. Notes that sexually transmitted diseases and infant mortality are of particular concern. Emphasizes the importance of a hand in hand approach between health care provider and individual in overcoming these factors. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPnrsNJ.wps

Competent Care for a Patient: Enteral Feeding
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A 3 page paper which presents an overview of adequate care for a patient who is receiving enteral feeding. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: RAcrcare1.wps

Competently Care for a Patient: Post Bypass Surgery
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A 3 page paper which presents a critical analysis of competently caring for a patient who is deteriorating and whose blood pressure is dropping following bypass surgery. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: RAcrcare3.wps

Competently Supporting Relatives of Patient in Critical Care
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A 3 page paper which presents a critical care set-up for relatives of patient's in critical care. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: RAcrcare2.wps

Computerized Tomography Scans (CT) and the Diagnosis of Appendicitis
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A 10 page discussion of the diagnostic procedures which are preferred for acute appendicitis. The author compares the value of collecting a detailed clinical history and symptoms with that of more elaborate tests such as computerized Tomography. The contention is presented that although CT offers some advantages in some cases, it all too often results in a time sink which compromises patient welfare. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPappend.rtf

Concept Analysis
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5 pages. This research paper explores 'concept analysis' and how it can be applied to healing. Concept analysis is treatment that is based on the actual concept of the perceived illness. For example, if one is suffering from stress, the actual concept of the stress must be analyzed and thus treated. Perhaps this stress is the result of fear. In that case, fear is the actual concept that is used as the basis for analysis. Combining the use of concept analysis with medicine produces an interesting blend in which more and more medical personnel are taking part. While not a new theory, it is one that is catching on rapidly in the field of medical health. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: JGAheals.wps

Congestive Heart Failure
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A 10 page paper defining congestive heart failure (CHF) and discussing pathophysiology, etiology, diagnosis, treatment and patient education. A complex condition that can result either from underlying conditions or from precipitating factors, one team of researchers declares CHF to be the most costly cardiovascular disorder and health care problem for the next century. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSnursHrtFail.rtf

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