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Papers On Medicine, Medical Issues, & Pharmacy
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Imogene King: Critique of Her Nursing Theory
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A 5 page outline of Imogene King's "General Systems Framework" theory. Developed during the mid 1960s and first published in 1971, this theory emphasizes the importance of the interaction between nurses and patients. Views this interaction as an open system which is in constant interaction with a variety of environmental factors. Points out the applicability of this theory to nursing today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPnrsKng.wps

Impact Of Prolonged Illness On Families
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This 6 page paper reviews an article entitled: Impact of a prolonged surgical critical illness on patients' families by Swoboda and Lipsett (2002). The study reported investigated the economic effects and family lifestyle changes when a family member cares for a patient who has been discharged from the intensive care unit. The findings in this study are supported by other studies that are reported. Additionally, there are also psychological, emotional and physical effects for the caregiver. One study discussed relates the effects on parents when a child is seriously ill. These are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGillfm.rtf

Impacts of Disease Throughout History: The Evolution of Understanding and Treatment
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An 11 page overview of the impact of disease on world cultures. Correlates the impact on traditional cultures and the way those cultures dealt with that impact with advances in modern medicine. Emphasizes the impact of disease on the Americas and specifically on the Native American inhabitants of the Americas. Describes common European diseases which either directly or indirectly impacted the Americas and our contemporary, verses our traditional, understanding of those diseases and their treatment. Includes a one page Roman numeral outline. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPdiseaT.rtf

Implementing Electronic Health Records
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This 11 page paper considers how electronic health records have been used and the lack of a single national system or model in the UK National Health Service. The paper considers how systems have been implemented, the factors for success or failure and the lessons that can be gained form the pilot projects in the UK, such as those at Hillingdon and Bradford. The bibliography cites 22 sources.
Filename: TEehrimp.rtf

In Favor Of How Bayer Is Making Money From Cipro Pills
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5 pages in length. Myriad concerns over health and safety have surfaced since the World Trade Center terrorist attacks. With the heightened state of tension caused by the seemingly associated presence of Anthrax, it is no wonder people frightened for the nation's future. However, it is important for the student to point out that there is yet another concern revolving around the Anthrax situation that has people divided over its social, ethical and economic impact: Bayer Corporation's high price for Cipro, the antibiotic that effectively contains the progression of Anthrax. Is this German-based company morally and legally right in making money off this terrorist activity by charging the consumer $4 per pill when other nations have it accessible for a mere $10 per month? Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCbayer.rtf

In The Name of Science - The Ethics of Biomedical Research
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A 6 page paper that explores the ethics of biomedical research, focusing on the key element of voluntary informed consent. Discussed are recent adverse events that have occurred in gene therapy research and the amendments and additions to federal regulations resulting from these events. Also included is a brief discussion of the history of the guidelines and regulations that safeguard human subject volunteers in medical and scientific research. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: LCBiomed.doc

In Vitro Fertilization And Multiple Births
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A 15 page paper. In vitro fertilization has been a topic of heated debate for a number of years. One of the reasons for the debate has to do with the high percentage of multiple births, specifically, triplets and more. This paper provides some statistical data and discusses the economic, legal, religious, ethical, social and health issues surrounding the process of in vitro. The writer also reports some of the latest advances in this field, then draws a conclusion regarding the issue. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: PGinvit.wps

Increasing Quality of Cleanliness in Healthcare;
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This 10 page paper consider how quality is effectuated by cleanness in healthcare and looks at how changes may be implemented to a case study provided by the student. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEcleann.wps

Individual Differences in Patient Care: From Postoperative Pain Management to Chronic Illness and Injury
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A 6 page review of two nursing articles dealing with patient care. The author of this paper provides an overview of each article, its presentation style, and findings, and identifies similarities in the message being conveyed by both articles. In addition to the direct impacts to health, illness and injury can result in a number of complex problems. The literature is replete with examples of treatment regimes and recovery expectations but always at mind must be individual variation in both physiology, emotion, and manner of dealing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPcoping.rtf

Infant Mortality: Current Situation
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16 pages in length. With the ongoing technological advancements in the medical field, it is difficult to believe that infant mortality is still so prevalent in today's society. However, it is this very technology that provides the opportunity to avert infant death that is being overlooked as a means by which to address the issue. Statistics indicate that infant mortality is primarily a socio-cultural epidemic, in that appropriate medical attention is gravely lacking in low-income and minority communities. Genetic disturbance represents yet another population in which infant mortality is experienced, no matter the individual's race or financial status. Genetically induced infant mortality is often not detected until well into the third trimester, a point at which termination of pregnancy is both a health risk for the mother and a morally painful decision to make. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Filename: TLCinfmr.wps

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