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Papers On Medicine, Medical Issues, & Pharmacy
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Concept Analysis: Patient Autonomy
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A 6 page research paper that explores the concept of patient autonomy, which is a factor that impacts the theoretical basis of all areas of nursing practice, and concerns the moral and legal right of competent individuals to make decisions affecting their lives. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khpataut.rtf
Concern for the Present and Future: Healthcare
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A 5 page paper discussing uneasy changes in access to healthcare. An old saying holds that “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” That old saying appears to be operational in the health care industry, as increasing numbers of people are left without insurance but do not qualify for government programs or assistance. Health care formerly was only for those who could afford it; unless we make changes in the existing health care infrastructure, we could be headed there again. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KShlthCareFut.rtf
Conflict Resolution -- the Nurse and the Assistant
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This 4 page essay discusses a
hypothetical situation in which a nurse and a health care assistant have a conflict while
working in a hospital ICU. Issues related to conflict resolution, communication, and
cooperation are discussed. No reference sources are used.
Filename: BWhcaicu
Congestive Heart Failure
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A 10 page paper defining congestive heart failure (CHF) and discussing pathophysiology, etiology, diagnosis, treatment and patient education. A complex condition that can result either from underlying conditions or from precipitating factors, one team of researchers declares CHF to be the most costly cardiovascular disorder and health care problem for the next century. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSnursHrtFail.rtf
Congressional Debate on Issue of Embryonic Stem Cell Research
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A 9.5 page paper which the pro and con arguments, considers the strategies of each side, discusses the leaders who are managing the bill on both sides, and how they have been persuaded to support or oppose legislation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TGstemcl.rtf
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This 5 page paper discusses the condition of conjoined twins. This overview includes a description of the various conjoining, possible theories on why it occurs, how surviving conjoined twins live, and discusses treatments/preventions available. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MBtwins.rtf
Considering Organ Donation
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5 pages in length. When one considers the fact that a single individual can give life to more than seven people, it is astounding to think that anyone would not consider organ donation. However, there are those who cannot see past their own personal concerns, knowing full well that once they are dead, their organs are of no further use to them. Typically, when asked for a reason, the most common
answers incorporate religion or fear, both of which carry with them heavy ethical motivation. The writer discusses the controversy behind organ donation, as well as addresses the views of Aristotle, Kant and Mill. Bibliography lists 4
Filename: TLCdonat.wps
Continuing Medical Education
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A 16 page paper providing an overview of the current state of continuing education for physicians. Not only medicine has changed in today’s world, however, so has all of education. Continuing medical education (CME) holds promise today that never existed in the past. The paper discusses characteristics of adult learners; new approaches to interactive learning; patient outcome; changes in physician behavior resulting from CME; and implications of commercial (i.e., pharmaceutical company) involvement. The paper also includes proposed changes in accreditation of commercially-supported programs current in 2003. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Filename: KSmedContEdu.rtf
Contribution of Legionella pneumophilia's Natural Environment to its Pathogenesis Ability
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A 6 page paper discussing the manner in which this organism's method of survival in nature contributes to its pathogenicity. L. pneumophilia is absolutely an aerobic bacterium. It favors the environment of water where there is the presence also of metal, such as water holding tanks, commercial cooling systems and shower heads, which ultimately could be important in determining its control through methods other than those currently available. An intracellular organism, it is highly adaptable to rapidly changing environmental conditions and shows the greatest affinity for those human cells that most closely match its preferred natural environment. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Patho.wps
Coping With Breast Cancer
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6 pages in length. One might readily surmise that myriad breast cancer patients have significant difficulty coping within their situation, no matter if they are long-time survivors or in the midst of treatment. In order to meet the needs of this particular population, it is important to tap into the vast psychological issues that are inherently associated with physical and emotional survival.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCbrest.wps
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