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Papers On Medicine, Medical Issues, & Pharmacy
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British Law & Nursing Advocacy
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An 8 page research paper that examines advocacy in mental health nursing in the UK. The writer critically analyzes advocacy in relation to a specific scenario and discusses the legal and ethical ramifications as they pertain to nursing practice. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: khuknur.rtf
British Law/Consent
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A 5 page research paper that examines the issue of informed consent in British medical law. The writer defines consent and then explores British law in regards to a scenario in which a patient suffering from a drug overdose is admitted to a hospital ED and refuses treatment. The writer discusses the ethical dilemma that this presents for the nurse trying to obtain consent and the writer argues that the nurse can treat the patient, under these circumstances, because the intoxicated state of the patient precludes the ability to make informed consent. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: khbritcn.rtf
Building Competence Through Training, Experience and Reflection
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A 6 page paper discussing the need to link experience and reflection in achieving practical competence. Formal training provides the technical knowledge needed to provide competent care in the psychiatric setting, but formal training also can be seen as only the beginning point of building competence. Experience and reflection on that experience are critical factors. Training allows the new nurse to provide technically competent care, but full competence and greatest effectiveness emerges only when the nurse is able to combine experience and reflection on that experience with basic and ongoing training. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSnursMedMenHlth.rtf
Business Plan: Full-Spectrum Long-Term Care
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A 14 page business plan for Hamilton View, a long-term care facility offering all options. Hamilton View proposes to provide a full range of options for seniors, beginning with independent living, moving into assisted living and then to full nursing home services. The benefit for residents is that they can enter at any stage that applies to their conditions at the time, and never need to change residence again. The plan includes demographics and marketing information, as well as an extensive discussion of the problems with the industry that offers commitment to high quality as an antidote. Includes a discussion of risk and financials. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KSbusPlNursHome.rtf
Business Planning to Change Current Trends
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This 5 page paper looks at a case study (provided by the student), of a medical practice which was thriving until increased competition forced down prices and increased the hours worked by the practitioner. The paper looks for a way in which the business can be turned around through business planning, utilising core competencies and minimising negative impacts from the competition as well as the weaknesses within the practice.
Filename: TEmedcal.wps
Buyers Health Care Action Group
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An 11 page paper. Health costs have risen dramatically over the years to the point that employers as well as consumers have become continually more disillusioned. A group of employers in Minnesota did something about it. They established a coalition called the Buyers Health Care Action Group. This paper explores how this coalition works, how they assure quality, and how they evaluate services. Bibliography lists b sources.
Filename: PGbhcag.wps
Caffeine And Behavior
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An 11 page paper that discusses the impacts of caffeine on behavior, based on physiological changes caused by the drug. This paper considers physiological changes relative to neurotransmissions that impact behavioral considerations presented in a number of supporting studies. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Caffeine.wps
Cancer Cachexia and the Nutritional needs of Acutely Ill Cancer
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This 6 page report discusses a horrific condition with
virtually no positive outcomes known as cachexia. Cachexia is
characterized by a dramatic loss of triglycerides from adipose
tissue and proteins from skeletal muscle. Although it
superficially resembles starvation, it is virtually immune to
nutritional intervention. It is a complex syndrome and accounts
for nearly a third of cancer deaths. Cachexia is characterized by
weight loss, anorexia, weakness, anemia, and asthenia.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: BWcachex.rtf
Cancer In-Home Treatment
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6 pages in length. When a medical facility is no longer necessary as a means by which to administer cancer treatment and the patient is moved back home, modern technology has made it possible for laypersons to not only be able to manage the medication on a daily basis but also do many other related tasks that heretofore have only been accessible to hospital nursing staff. However, while providing cancer treatment from the comfort of one's home is a preferred choice for many patients, there is much for caregivers to learn prior to any implementation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCcncer.wps
Cancer Patients and Music Therapy
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A 12 page paper which presents a hypothetical
study aimed at discovering the benefits or the effects of music therapy in relationship to
cancer patients and pain. A literature review is also provided, illustrating the numerous
benefits of music therapy. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: RAcncmsic.wps
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