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Papers On Medicine, Medical Issues, & Pharmacy
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Atherosclerosis/ Nursing
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A 6 page research paper that examines the risk factors and dangers associated with atherosclerosis. The writer examines the pathophysiology of this deadly disease and discusses how nursing practice provide an invaluable educational function in teaching clients about their own "pipes" can become "clogged" through poor lifestyle choices, such as a fatty diet and no exercise. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: khpipes.rtf

Attention Deficit Disorder
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An Outline; This 5 page paper is a concise and informative introduction to ADD, considering its different causes, symptoms, diagnosis (including tests), and treatment by way of a controlled envelopment, therapies as well as medication. The paper finishes by looking at the long-term prognosis for sufferers. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEaddoul.wps

Attention Deficit Disorder
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10 pages in length. The author discusses the history, definition, classification, etiology, treatment, and studies of Attention Deficit Disorder. Understanding ADD, and ADD versus LD are also topics. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: ADD.wps

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Analyzed
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This 8 page research paper examines the neurological malady known as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the treatment for adults and children. Specifically discussed is whether or not medications should be used in the workplace and classroom, and possible alternatives. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Hyper.wps

Australia: Law And Ethics Of Euthanasia
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5 pages in length. The concept of right to die is one that prevents terminally ill patients from having to endure one more moment of an artificial existence. Being kept alive through the intervention of drugs and other invasive treatments goes against the very grain of what is known as one's quality of life. In order to have quality of life, the patient must be in such a frame of mind and body where life is a pleasure and not merely a perpetual struggle. A person who is suffering from a terminal illness inevitably experiences many things that negatively impact the daily routine; it is not long before the patient is forced to depend upon others to do many of the menial tasks that once were a simple part of everyday life. As this occurs, individuals encounter feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy, believing that they have become a burden to those around them. Australian law recognized these issues when the Northern Territory legalized active voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide in 1995; with this legislation, the terminally ill breathed a heavy sigh of relief. However, the laws affecting euthanasia are complex and differ from State to State in Australia. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCAusEu.wps

Automated Medication Dispensing
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The information technology of the past three decades has revolutionized the health care profession - including administration and service provision. This 7 page paper gives a brief overview of the cost effectiveness of incorporating an automated medication dispensing system in a hospital setting. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KTmeddsp.wps

Bacillus cereus
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A 9 page paper discussing characteristics of the organism and its ability to cause disease. Though B. cereus food contamination apparently is not a condition against which sufficient protection is possible, it can be managed so that risk of disease from B. cereus food poisoning can be minimized. Most of the cases of food poisoning resulting from the metabolites of this organism still go unreported and even unrecognized in the diarrheal form, but study of the cases that are reported may be useful in the study of the more serious manifestations of B. cereus contamination such as gangrene and other conditions. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSBcereus.wps

Back To The Future of Gene Therapy
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Shaywitz and Ausiello, in their article, Back To The Future, Medicine and Our Genes, argue that the emerging gene sciences will reunite the patient, doctor and researcher in ways not seen since the 19th and early 20th centuries. This 5 page paper proposes that, in exploring the issues concerned with gene therapy, it seems as though the judgment of Shaywitz and Ausiello is well within the ethical bounds of religious and medical tenets. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KTknethy.rtf

Bacterial Meningitis
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4 pages in length. The incidence of bacterial meningitis is relatively low in developed nations such as the United States; however, developing nations such as Africa are victims of inadequate preventive health care, compromised living conditions and insufficient treatment availability that act synergistically to create one of the most prominent global populations where the disease can be found. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCMenin.rtf

Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics
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A 9 page overview of the phenomena of antibiotic resistance among bacteria. Discusses the cause of this trait and the societal and environmental factors which interplay to produce these bacteria. Identifies the ways that antibiotic resistance is acquired and passed on in bacteria. Discusses the tendency of antibiotics to be prescribed too readily and how this translates into bacteria which develop resistance to the medication. Discusses the physiological mechanisms employed by the bacteria to pass on this resistance. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PPantibi.wps

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