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Papers On Medicine, Medical Issues, & Pharmacy
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AORN Journal’s 2002 Ethics in Nursing Series
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A 3 page paper discussing a series of nine articles appearing in the AORN Journal between April and December, 2002. The value of the series of articles is that each article focuses on a specific point of stated, formal ethics code to explain to perioperative nurses precisely what the standards mean for them. Ethics codes necessarily must be broad enough to apply to a wide range of situations, but narrow enough to be meaningful and to provide direction when questions arise. This AORN Journal series has the effect of narrowing perspective to illustrate the relevance of ANA’s code of ethics to perioperative nursing. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSnursEthSeries.rtf
APOE and the Risk of Developing Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease: A Research Proposal
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This 9 page paper considers the issue of the presence of APOE and the risk of the development of late onset Alzheimer's disease. This paper is a research proposal for this problem and outlines the study of a possible subject population. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHAlzhe2.rtf
Applicability of Magnet Hospitals to the Canadian Health Care System
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A 16 page
paper primarily discussing the qualities of magnet hospitals and the process of achieving
certification. Any quest to decrease costs while simultaneously increasing quality is a
worthwhile pursuit in today's environment, but the many manufacturers failing in their
attempts to implement TQM in the past can attest to the fact that there are pitfalls in the
process. Magnet certification is tried, proven and documented, and has been shown to
benefit nurse recruitment and retention efforts. Though the fiscal structure of health care in
the US and Canada are very different, the goals of each are the same. Magnet certification
can be applied to Canadian health care with only minimal alteration. Bibliography lists 16
Filename: KSmagnet.wps
Application of Change Theory to the Problem of Intravenous
Medication Overdose
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This 10 page report discusses the need for
change in a clinical setting regarding intravenous medication
overdoses. When a patient is admitted to the hospital and is
receiving intravenous drugs, it is clear that he or she is
already in a relatively fragile state. To obtain the overall
incidence of overdose of intravenously administered medications,
it will be necessary to combine the incidence of overdoses
occurring while in the hospital plus the incidence of symptoms
and/or disease that would have initially required use of the
medication. A literature review of the problem is presented as
well as a recommendation for instituting a computer-based order
system for medications. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: BWivover.wps
Are You Listed as an Organ Donor?
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(5 pp) How do you make a convincing argument to
convince someone that they should participate in
an organ donation program? Do you appeal to their
sense of the continuation of life? Do you site
those people who will die without a transplant?
Or, do you just claim it is "the right thing" to
do? All of these appeals will be examined in this
discussion. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BBorganD
Arguments For and Against Assisted Suicide
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This 5 page paper plus 1 page outline looks at the arguments for and against assisted suicide. The thesis of the paper is that that, whilst it is important to have as many safeguards as possible to ensure that assisted suicide is used correctly, the availability of assisted suicide in controlled condition may be seen as adding value to human life rather than devaluing life. In this way it may reduce suffering and increase the value that is placed on the quality as well as quantity of human life. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEastsui.rtf
Arteries Structure and Protection from Narrowing
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A 5 page paper discussing the structure of artery walls followed by assessment of nutritional and life style influences on preserving interior diameter. The paper discusses the influence that cholesterol, obesity, exercise and smoking have on narrowing internal diameter. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSarteries.rtf
Article Critique
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5 pages in length. The purpose of this research project was to determine the abnormal impact sustained upon the thalamus and pons in alcoholism and schizophrenia. Based upon prior research that established a definite correlation between the aforementioned and postmortem/in vivo brain imaging studies, the authors' hypothesis was to ascertain if or how much patients with both diseases would exhibit overstated volume deficits in either aspect. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLCArtCrit.rtf
Article critique/Food Choice & Breast Cancer Patients
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A 6 page essay that summarizes and critiques a research article detailing the study conducted by Drewnowski, et al (1999) concerning food preferences among breast cancer patients. The writer then summarizes another research study that substantiates the findings of the first and offers two URLs that have graphs concerning fruit and vegetable consumption. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: khfoodpr.rtf
Article Critique/Spirituality in Nursing
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A 6 page critique of an article by Walton and Molzahan (2002) detailing their qualitative research study into the role of spirituality in the lives of hemodialysis patients. The writer offers a comprehensive summation of their study, along with comments and criticism, concluding that the research team achieved their goals and purposes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khhemodi.rtf
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