Papers On Medicine, Medical Issues, & Pharmacy
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Analysis of Research in Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
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A 29 page paper discussing current research in LGMD, much of which has moved beyond the realm of theory and elementary discovery into that area that enables researchers to create accurate and workable
syntheses of mechanisms and pathways that exist. Though research is not required to provide definitive answers in order to be considered valid, arrival at those definitive answers is greatly more gratifying for researchers and clinicians, and certainly provides hope for patients. A review of current research and normal function does provide insight into the reasons for researchers' thinly veiled glee over the rapidity of emerging facts that can be translated into clinical results, including the advent of the first clinical trials for gene therapy. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: KSLimbGMD27.wps
Analysis of Schering-Plough
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10 pages in length. This in-depth
analysis of the Schering-Plough pharmaceutical company discusses
the company, its divisions, a complete financial analysis, as
well as what consumers can expect from the company. The
Schering-Plough website is analyzed as to its completeness and
accessibility to consumers, and the paper also considers recent
acquisitions and mergers by this coporation.
Filename: JGAschrg.wps
Analysis of the Medicine Shoppe
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10 pages in length. The
Medicine Shoppe is described on their website as "an
international chain of franchise pharmacies with more than 1,200
locations throughout forty-six of the contiguous United States -
making us the 6th largest pharmacy group in the country." This
paper takes a detailed look at the business end of the Medicine
Shoppe industry and franchise as well as its parent corporation,
Cardinal Health. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: JGAmedsh.wps
Ancient Greek Medicine
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A 7 page overview of ancient Greek medicine. The author traces the evolution of the Greek approach to medicine from the days of superstition to the days of Hippocrates and subsequent Greeks who would propel the discipline from the darkness into the sciences. The contention is presented that despite the many misperceptions and misunderstandings which existed, Greek medicine was indeed quite advanced for its time. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPmedGrk.rtf
Anemia And The Elderly
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An 8 page paper. Anemia is common among the elderly and its incidence increases with age. This paper reports the definition and criteria set by the World Health Organization for anemia. It also reports the recommendations from experts and groups for changing the standards for a diagnosis of anemia in elderly patients. The writer comments on how physicians often miss anemia in their older patients, considering the symptoms a function of the aging process. Research investigating mortality risk along with the validity of existing definitions are reported and discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGanemol.rtf
Animal Testing; An Ethical Dilemma
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This 5 page paper looks at the issue of the use of animals for biomedical research. A proposed (fictitious) piece of legislation which would ban the use of all mammals with the exceptions of rodents is considered. The reasons why animal testing should continue as well as the arguments against tit are considered with evidence presented for each side of the debate. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEanimts.wps
Anorexia Nervosa: Manifestations and Implications in Males Verses Females
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A 5 page discussion of the manifestations and implications of this eating disorder. Emphasizes that while the condition is typically associated with females, it affects males as well. Provides statistics as to its occurrence as well as information on its causes, symptoms, and long term impacts. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPanorex.wps
Anorexia: A Mental and Physical Disease
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5 pages in length. Describes the causes and symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa as well as those who are most prone to suffer from the disease. During the past decade the prevalence of eating disorders has increased among teenage and college-age American women. This increase is probably caused in part by society’s idea of the ideal woman as being overly thin in order to be beautiful. Adolescence is an intense time and is normally a time of physical changes as well as psychological changes. Females in particular seem to experience stress that is not experienced by their male peers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JGAanerv.wps
Antabuse, Methadone, Librium, Ibogaine, Revia, Thiamin, and Niacin: An Overview of Seven Common Drugs
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A 6 page outline of the main features of each of these drugs and the situations which require their use. Generic names are provided as is a list of primary actions and potential side effects. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPmedDr3.rtf
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10 pages in length. The writer discusses anthrax in relation to the following: as a biological weapon; history of current threat; epidemiology; microbiology; pathogenesis and clinical manifestations; inhalation, cutaneous and gastrointestinal; diagnosis and exposure; vaccination and treatment; policy agenda; major influences (social, political; economic; organizational; research); and alternatives for issue resolution. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: TLCanthx.rtf
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