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Papers On British Literature
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Jonathan Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels' / Satire in Lilliput
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In this 5 page essay the writer discusses the first half of Book I of Jonathan Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels,' explaining some of its major satirical points, with reference to political and religious events in Swift's day. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Gulliver.wps

Jonathan Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels' / The Houyhnhnms & The Yahoos
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A 5 page paper examining how Jonathan Swift satirizes both the rarified Houyhnhnms and the brutish Yahoos in Book IV of Gulliver's Travels. The writer concludes that just as man was not created to be bestial, he was not created to be completely rationalistic, either. To be caught in either trap robs man of the joy of life. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Gullive4.wps

Jonathan Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels' vs. Conrad's 'Heart Of Darkness'
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A 20 page paper comparing Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels and A Modest Proposal with Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness in terms of the way both authors treat the theme of imperialism. The paper concludes that while both authors recognize that imperialism is based in the belief that members of radically foreign cultures are non-human (xenophobia) and both condemn this belief, the methods they use to convey this message are radically different. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Filename: Swiftcon.wps

Rationalism and the Houyhnhnms in Swift�s �Gulliver�s Travels�
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A ten page paper showing how Jonathan Swift, through his characterization of the passionless, horse-like Houyhnhnms, satirized the Rationalists of his own day. The paper argues that in trying to emulate the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver is cutting himself off from his own species, just as pure rationalists cut themselves off from their own hearts. Bibliography lists eight sources.
Filename: KBswift4.wps

Sanity & Madness According to Jonathan Swift
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a 5 page paper looking at Swift's essay 'A Digression Concerning the Original, the Use, and Improvement of Madness in a Commonwealth', from A Tale of a Tub. The paper shows how Swift satirically distinguishes madness from sanity, determines the cause of madness, and finds a function for it in a healthy society. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Sanmad.wps

Satire in Brady�s �I Want a Wife� and Swift�s �A Modest Proposal�
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A five-page paper looking at these two essays by Jonathan Swift and Judy Brady in terms of the reason satire was employed to convey their message. The paper concludes that in both these pieces, the authors present their material satirically in order to allow the reader to see their real points more clearly and effectively, without one�s natural defensiveness getting in the way. No additional sources.
Filename: KBswift3.wps

Swift�s 'Gulliver�s Travels' and the Symbolic Significance of Food
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A 5 page paper looking at various anecdotes concerning food or eating in Jonathan Swift�s 'Gulliver�s Travels,' and analyzing the way Swift uses them to comment satirically upon the human condition. No additional sources.
Filename: KBswift2.wps.

Swift�s �A Modest Proposal�: A Facetious Alternative
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A 5 page paper presenting a rebuttal to Swift�s suggestion that poor Irish children be eaten as food to relieve both the poverty and the overpopulation problems. This paper facetiously suggests that setting up meat-packing plants is too much trouble; widespread abortion is a simpler solution.
Filename: KBswift.wps

A Discussion of Heroines in the Novels of Jane Austen and Morland
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5 pages on the heroines from the novels 'The Female Quixote: The Adventures of Arabella,' and Catherine Morland from 'Northanger Abbey.' (Jane Austen) The author discusses how both are obsessed with novels: Arabella with 'romance' novels and Catherine Morland with gothic novels. Both heroines have become immersed in these novels of their time. They have both been educated about life and culture through these novels. In an essay citing the two primary references, the author offers strong evidence of these points.
Filename: Femaquix.wps

Austen's 'Pride & Prejudice' vs. Shakespeare's 'Othello'/ Mystery & Revelation
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A 6 page paper comparing William Shakespeare's Othello and Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The basis for comparison is the authors' treatment of the theme of deception and revelation in these two works. The paper concludes that while the same motif -- misplaced trust -- is treated in both works, the difference lies in one author's view of the situation as comic and redeemable and the other as tragic and doomed. Bibliography lists two sources.
Filename: Othpride.rtf

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