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Papers On Literature
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Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' / Described As Racist
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A 7 page paper that describes the fact that Stowe's novel is influential and derived from an abolitionist perspective, but at the same time is clearly racist. The author attempts to support this belief by demonstrating the racist off shoots of the abolitionist movement, including colonization, that Stowe supports in her work. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Uncleto3.wps
Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' / Stowe's Incendiary Tract
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An 8 page paper arguing that Southern whites were not being overly sensitive in viewing Uncle Tom's Cabin as a personal attack upon not only their way of life but their moral natures, because that was how Stowe intended it. As such, it represented a real spark in the conflagration of the Civil War. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: Stowetom.wps
Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' / The Stereotyping of Topsy
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A 10 page essay analyzing the characterization of this little girl in Harriet Beecher Stowe's classic work. The paper concludes that Harriet Beecher Stowe intended to show through her portrayal of Topsy that blacks are not inherently morally bankrupt, but simply unsaved souls who have never been shown the true path to salvation. Thus it was intended to be a symbol, not a realistic characterization. Bibliography lists 4 additional sources.
Filename: Topsy.wps
Bette Bao Lord's 'Spring Moon' / A Look at Chinese Culture
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A 5 page paper that provides an overview of the story presented in Lord's book, and reflects on correlations between the actions and perceptions of the main protagonist and the life story of the author herself. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Bettebao.wps
Bobbi Ann Mason's 'Shiloh' / Death of a Child
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A 6 page paper explicating the problems associated with the death of a child for the surviving parents. The writer explores the areas of guilt, reminders, lack of communication and resistance to personal progress related to a child's death in terms of Mason's story. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Shiloh.wps
Bobbi Ann Mason's 'Shiloh' vs. Frank O'Connor's 'Guests of a Nation' / Conflict
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A 4 page paper comparing and contrasting the functions of conflict in two short stories. The first story is by Frank O'Connor, titled 'Guests of a Nation.' The second story is by Bobbie Ann Mason, and is titled 'Shiloh.' Each story deals with a completely different topic and both are written from the first person perspective. And while on the surface both of these stories deal will dramatically different topics, they essentially uncover a very similar type of conflict which involves the realization and the acceptance of some type of death or end. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Shilohg.wps
Bobbie Ann Mason' 'Shiloh' / Conflicts & The Struggle For Happiness
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4 pages on Bobbie Ann Mason's short story, 'Shiloh.' The writer details the conflicts among the characters in the story and discusses whether the ending is hopeful or not, with references to symbols in the story. No bibliography.
Filename: Shiloh2.wps
Bobbie Ann Mason's 'Shiloh'
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A 4 page discussion of conflicts presented in Mason's story and the possible implications that the ending has for various characters. No other sources cited.
Filename: Shiloh1.wps
Less Than Zero vs. Bobbie Ann Mason's 'In Country'
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A 4 page comparison between the 1980's era film 'Less than Zero' and Bobbie Ann Mason's book 'In Country.' The focus of the thesis/discussion is upon how characters in both stories were affected by 'wars' that ripped the socioeconomic status of their respective surroundings apart. While characters in each story were 'victims of circumstances,' the writer finds great difference in Less Than Zero's youths-- as they conceivably might have had more control over their situations. Several other key similarities and differences are cited. No Bibliography.
Filename: Lesszero.wps
Reinterpreting the Past in Morrison, DeLillo, and Mason
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A seven page paper looking at Toni Morrison’s “Beloved,” Don DeLillo’s “Libra,” and Bobbie Ann Mason’s “In Country” in terms of the authors’ reinterpretations of history. The paper shows how unresolved conflicts and traumas of the past do not go away; they simply re-surface in some other form, forcing us to either creatively integrate them into our developing selves or suffer the consequences. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KBbelov2.wps
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