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Papers On Literature
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Voltaire's 'Candide' / Rationalism v. Empiricism
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This 7 page research paper explores the representation of rationalist and empirical philosophy in Voltaire's 1759 novel, Candide. Specifically, these philosophical theories are examined as depicted in the text and in the protagonists Dr. Pangloss and Martin, as well as evidence of Voltaire's personal preference. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Voltaire.wps
Voltaire's 'Candide' / Religion
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A 5 page paper analyzing Voltaire's views on religion as expressed in this novel. The paper points out how the author satirized a number of viewpoints current in the eighteenth century, and concluded at the end that talking is vanity; religion lies in the doing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Canrelig.wps
Voltaire's 'Candide' / Underlying Meaning
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This 6 page essay focuses on the meaning behind the words in the allegory Candide. The writer discusses the meanings and ultimate outcomes of the character Candide, his cohorts, and his travels. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Candmea.wps
Voltaire's 'Candide'/ A Philosophical Examination
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In 9 pages, Voltaire's philosophy is analyzed and his attempt at depicting a Utopian society in 'Candide' is assessed. The writer is extremely critical and supports all inquiries with existing research. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Candide2.wps
Voltaire's 'Candide': Rosy optimism And Gloomy Pessimism
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5 pages in length. Voltaire's 'Candide' helps one to make a solid distinction between the concepts of rosy optimism and gloomy pessimism. By doing so, this particular literary masterpiece provides insight as to what constitute the notion of happiness and the existence of despair. The writer discusses how Voltaire effectively demonstrates these points by way of Pangloss and Martin, each of whom represent the opposite ends of the spectrum. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLCvolt.wps
Voltaire’s “Candide” and the Relationship Between Language and Sexuality
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This 5 page essay report discusses the relationship between language and sexuality in Candide, as well as pointing out how those elements led to the comic aspects of Voltaire’s story. The connection between language and sexuality in Candide is similar to that of the relationship between Candide and the many characters he encounters throughout his adventures. His gentle and “candid” spirit regularly is brought up short in comparison to the far more worldly people he meets. No bibliography.
Filename: BWcand.rtf
Joan K. Cannie/Turning Lost Customers into Gold
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: An 8 page analysis of Cannie's book on how to 'mine' the lost riches represented by customers who defect to a competitor. Cannie asserts that most US companies are unaware of how many of their customers go elsewhere over the course of a year. Additionally, she argues that most firms are also unaware of what these defections generally cost in the way of lost sales and reduced annual revenue. Cannie's premise is that these losses are significant and her arguments are most persuasive. No additional sources cited.
Filename: 90cannie.rtf
Yeats Meets Carl
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The two men seemed to be from separate planets, if
not universes, as they sat face to face in the comfort of the TV studio.
William Butler Yeats, in his three piece Italian suit, was somber and a
little detached. Carl Sandburg, on the other hand, looked as though he
could 'talk up a storm' in his bib overalls and wide grin. This 5 page
paper proposes a conversation between the two great poets. Bibliography
lists 8 sources.
Filename: KTwbycrl.wps
Anachronism Of Marriage In The Works Of Lord Byron & Samuel Butler
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A 6 page essay that looks at two works from each author, Don Juan and The Way of All Flesh respectively, in regards to their opinions on marriage with references from each book.
Filename: Byrbut.wps
Byron’s “On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year”
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A five page paper looking at this late selection by the well-known Romantic poet Lord (George Gordon) Byron. The paper points out a number of literary devices used by Byron in this poem to support his contention that youth is the time for affairs of love, and maturity is the time for activism. Bibliography lists two sources.
Filename: KBbyron.wps
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