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Papers On Literature
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Charles Dickens' 'Great Expectations' / Pip and His Sense of Self
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A 6 page paper on the search for identity on the part of the main character in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations. The writer demonstrates how Pip learns that class distinctions pale in comparison with the contents of one's heart. Bibliography lists 3 additional sources.
Filename: Great.wps
Charles Dickens' 'Great Expectations' / Role Playing
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A 5 page analysis of Charles Dickens'novel Great Expectations. The writer demonstrates that each of the characters is assigned a role by another or by circumstance which is not of their choosing. What the characters do decide is how they will eventually react to their circumstances-by giving in to hatred like Miss Havisham or by learning the true nature of virtue as Pip finally does by the end of the novel. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Grole.wps
Charles Dickens' 'Great Expectations'/ Friendship
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This 4 page report discusses the significance of friendship in one of Dickens' most popular novels. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Dickexp.wps
Charles Dickens' 'Great Expectations'/ Miss Havisham
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A 4 page character analysis of Miss Havisham. The writer examines fairy tale aspects of this character in Dickens' classic. Analytically detailed is Havisham's relationship with Pip and with Estella. No bibliography.
Filename: Havisham.wps
Charles Dickens' 'Hard Times'
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A 3 page essay about opposing theories, education etc; in Charles Dickens' 'Hard Times' as they specifically relate to Mr. Gradgrind. No Bibliography.
Filename: Hardtime.wps
Charles Dickens' 'Oliver Twist' / Character, Social & Moral Question
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A 7 page research paper on Dickens' use of character to shape a commentary on the social and moral implications of the industrial revolution on children. The writer demonstrates how these are shown through literary means, and includes a brief discussion on how these social forces are still applicable today—therefore noting the timelessness of the story. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Olitwist.wps
Charles Dickens' 'Oliver Twist' / Friends & Foes
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A 9 page paper looking at five characters in Dickens' famous novel, showing how they feel about Oliver and he about them. Characters analyzed are Mr. Bumble, Mr. and Mrs. Sowerberry, Noah Claypool, and Nancy. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Oltwist.wps
Charles Dickens' 'Oliver Twist' / Oliver & Fagin
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An 8 page paper analyzing the characters of Oliver and Fagin in Charles Dickens' novel Oliver Twist. The writer concludes that neither Oliver nor Fagin are particularly realistic characters, Oliver because he is too saintly, and Fagin because he represents Dickens' anti-semitic prejudices. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: Oliverf.wps
Charles Dickens' 'Oliver Twist' vs. Pepys' 'Diary' / Streets Of London
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A 5 page paper on the changing face of London street life as seen in Samuel Pepys' Diary, written in the 1660s, and Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist, published in 1837. The paper shows how in Pepys' time the poor simply seemed to be people with less money than the rich, but in Dickens' time the violent cleavage between classes rendered the poor almost subhuman in society's eyes. The streets of London, predictably, reflected this change -- and suffered for it. Bibliography lists four sources.
Filename: Londonp.wps
Development Of Character In Dickens & Hardy
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An 8 page paper analyzing how -- and whether -- Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy create the illusion of verisimilitude in their characters, and whether their character development is effective. The paper concludes that Dickens' characters, for all their cartoonishness, are created more effectively than Hardy's because Dickens excels at the selection of detail. Bibliography lists five sources.
Filename: Natdrood.rtf
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