Papers On Literature
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Homer's 'Odyssey' / Sacrifice
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A 5 page paper analyzing the way this theme is treated in Homer's epic. The paper concludes that Homer viewed sacrifice as a way to return everything to its status quo, and as such, it was a function of duty and justice. Bibliography lists one source besides primary book.
Filename: Sacody.wps
Homer's 'Odyssey' / Telmachus & His Rites Of Passage Journey
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A 5 page essay that highlights the adventure of Telmachus, the son of Odysseus. In a bold move to protect him mother from persistent suitors, he goes on a journey to find his father but at the time time, winds up finding his own self. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Ritepass.wps
Homer's 'Odyssey' / The Maturing of Telemachus
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A 6 page paper on the character development of Odysseus' son Telemachus in the Odyssey. The writer argues that while Telemachus becomes more important throughout the course of the story, he is never quite the man that his father is. Several quotes from the Odyssey are used to support points. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Telemac2.wps
Homer's 'Odyssey' and James Joyce's 'Ulysses' as Epics
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An eight page paper discussing how these two very different works can be both classified as epics. The paper defines the term epic and shows how both
works define the character of a nation. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: KBulyss.wps
Homer's 'The Odyssey' / Odysseus' Journey Home
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A 5 page paper which examines Homer's epic poem, 'The Odyssey,' and lays blame of Odysseus' delayed return to his home in Ithaca on Odysseus himself because he became involved in other people's wars, his pride often got him into trouble, he incurred the wrath of several gods, and lusted after goddesses. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Odsy1.wps
Homer's 'The Odyssey' / Odysseus' Refusal To Become Immortal
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A 5 page essay on Homer's The Odyssey, and particularly why Odysseus would refuse to become immortal. The thesis posits that Odysseus chose the experience of living life over the sterile existence of the gods. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Immod.wps
Homer's 'The Odyssey' vs. Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar' Analyzed
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This 5 page research paper compares and contrasts Homer's epic Greek poem, 'The Odyssey,' with William Shakespeare's tragic play, 'Julius Caesar.' Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Odyjul.wps
Homer's Epic Poetry As History
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A 5 page essay about The Iliad and The Odyssey and the things they tell us about the history of ancient Greece, especially where it pertains to the morals, customs, and traditions of Homer's time. Bibliography lists 4 sources. Homer Paper.
Filename: Homep.wps
Homer's Iliad and Virgil's Aeneid Compared
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This 7 page paper looks at both works inclusive of plot, primary characters, humorous aspects and thematic elements. The thesis that both works are about love, and not war, is supported with an analysis of the author's techniques and story lines. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA010Aen.wps
Homer's Odyssey & Virgil's 'Aeneid' # 2
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Similar to Aensod1.wps (some parts are identical), this 3 page essay emphasizes the marked difference between Odysseus and Aeneas; stressing the latter character's more human-like qualities. No bibliography.
Filename: Aensods2.wps
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