Papers On Literature
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Homer's 'Iliad' / Book XXIV
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A 5 page paper discussing the last chapter of Homer's The Iliad. This is the last book of this ancient literary work. This section of the story begins with Achilles still angry and distraught over the death of his friend and as the story ends we see Achilles having moved beyond his grief a bit and forging on with his life. A thorough examination of the banquet scene is also discussed.
Filename: Iliadbk.wps
Homer's 'Iliad' / Glorification Of Violence
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8 pages in length. Homer's Iliad is a classic example of how violence has been glorified - while not necessarily justifiably so - since the beginning of civilization. There is an inherent desire for men to thrust their outer manhood into their enemy's faces in order to assert their inner strength. The writer discusses how Homer utilizes gender roles and divine/human relations to emphasize compassion for war victims, depicts modern society's ambivalent role and documents the warrior/hero mentality as it justifies warfare and brutality. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Iliadvio.wps
Homer's 'Iliad' / Power of the Gods
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A 5 page paper examining the degree of influence gods were considered to have over mortals in Homeric culture. The paper concludes that the Greeks believed that people really do not have much control over their own destinies at all, and thus transferred this control onto the gods. Bibliography lists one source.
Filename: Godshom.wps
Homer's 'Iliad' / Role Of Gods & Godesses
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A 6 page essay examining the various ways Homer made use of gods and goddesses; how they intervened in the lives of the mortals.
Filename: Useofg.wps
Homer's 'Iliad' / Shield of Achilles
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The significance of Achilles' shield, as it appears in Homer's Iliad is discussed in this 5 page paper.
Filename: Achilles.wps
Homer's 'Iliad' / Shield of Achilles # 2
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A 5 page paper which examines the representation of the shield of Achilles' in literature to determine its significance.
Filename: Shieldach.wps
Homer's 'Odyssey' / Character Of Telemachus
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A 2 page essay analyzing Telemachus' maturity level in Homer's 'Odyssey.' The writer points out how other characters still treat Telemachus like a child-- and rightfully so, for his own immaturity stops him from being able to do many ask the suitors to leave. No other sources cited.
Filename: Telemach.wps
Homer's 'Odyssey' / Concept Of An Afterlife
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In 5 pages the author discusses Homer's conception of afterlife in Odyssey, comparing it to other views of the afterlife. Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.
Filename: Homelife.wps
Homer's 'Odyssey' / Hospitality
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A 4 page paper on theme of hospitality in Homer's epic. It contrasts the hospitality shown Telemachus by Melenaus and Odysseus by King Alkinoos and the swineherd Eumaios with the abominable behavior of the suitors.
Filename: Oddy.wps
Homer's 'Odyssey' / Justice
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A 6 page paper on Homer's classic work. The paper demonstrates that the Homeric idea of justice is very different from our own; it suggests that whereas our sense of justice is founded upon morality, justice in Homer's time centered around the maintenance of the status quo. Bibliography lists three sources besides book.
Filename: Homer2.wps
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