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Papers On Literature
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John Updike's 'A & P' / Lengel's Perspective
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A 4 page creative narrative that takes the perspective of Lengel in Updike's 'A & P' and reflects upon his internal struggles with the action in this short story. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Lengel.wps

John Updike's 'A & P' vs. James Joyce's 'Araby'
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5 pages in length. John Updike's A & P and James Joyce's Araby share many of the same literary traits, because the former is essentially a retelling of the latter. The primary focus of the two stories revolves around a young man who is compelled to decipher the different between cruel reality and the fantasies of romance that play in his head. That the man does, indeed, discover the difference is what sets him off into emotional collapse. The writer compares and contrasts the two stories. Bibliography lists 7 sources. A&Paraby.wps
Filename: TLCAParaby.rtf

John Updike's 'Wife Wooing' and James Thurber's 'Unicorn in the Garden' / Marriage &Communication
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A 5 page analysis of two short stories, John Updike's 'Wife-Wooing' and James Thurber's 'Unicorn in the Garden'. Both stories explore the effects of marriages in which the husband and the wives are living very much on two separate planes. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Updthu.wps

John Updike’s “A&P”: Protagonist And Antagonist
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1 page in length. The writer identifies the protagonist and antagonist in Updike’s classic story. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLC1AandP.wps

O'Connor & Updike / Clash of Worldviews
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A 10 page paper comparing the way Flannery O'Connor and John Updike develop a clash of worldviews in their short fiction. Stories analyzed are O'Connor's 'Revelation', and Updike's 'A & P'. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Clasview.wps

Ralph Ellison's 'Invisible Man' vs. Updike's 'Rabbit, Run'
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A 6 page research paper comparing Invisible Man with Rabbit Run. The writer begins by detailing the similarities and differences between each of these two works, and then goes on to give a detailed analysis of Invisible Man. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Invisrap.wps

Sammy’s Two Worlds in Updike’s “A & P”
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A five page look at this short story by John Updike. The paper shows how Updike places his main character in a struggle between two worlds -- one in which life is predictable, steady, stable, and reliable, and one defined by unconventionality and surprise. Sammy’s decision to choose the more unconventional lifestyle will ultimately affect his entire life. Bibliography lists three sources.
Filename: KBupdik2.wps

Self-Discovery in Updike’s “A & P”
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A five page paper looking at this short story by John Updike in terms of the author’s development of the story’s theme, a young man’s moment of self-discovery. The paper traces Updike’s use of contrast and detail to paint a picture of an oppressively narrow-minded small town and its people. No additional sources.
Filename: KBupdike.wps

Sexism in Anderson, James, Updike and Welty
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An 8 page paper that concludes: In these five stories, women are portrayed in various ways. Only Anderson's 'The Egg' continues to stress the inadequacy and calamity of women. James, Updike and Welty each present a twist on society's sexist view of women in the situations presented. Each writer provides redeeming qualities in their female characters, although the message is sometimes muddled in traditional constructs. In 'Daisy Miller,' James goes so far as to point out the error in those constructs, which is why the male character is named Winterbourne. The name itself infers that the man contributed to Daisy's death by not responding to his own perceptions incongruous with society's claims. His perceptions later proved to be accurate. Six sources cited.
Filename: Sexinlit.wps

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This 5-page paper examines two stories from Rulfo's The Burning Plain: "We Are Very Poor" and "Talpa." The paper describes how these stories illustrate the hardships experienced by the Mexican people and human condition.
Filename: MTburpla.rtf

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