Papers On Literature
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James Joyce's 'Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man' / Fascist
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A 9 page paper examining the presence of proto-fascism and its antithesis, humanism, in Joyce's first novel. The paper asserts that while it is not technically correct to search for examples of fascism in the book since the term did not exist at the time the novel was written, examples of this type of mentality can be fruitfully analyzed in contrast to the book's celebration of humanism. Bibliography lists ten sources.
Filename: Fascism3.wps
A Portrait of James Joyce as a Young Man
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A 10 page paper looking at the life of James Joyce and showing how it is reflected in his novel Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Particular emphasis is placed on the issues in Irish politics during Joyce's youth and the influence of Catholicism on his writing. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Jameslif.wps
Death, Politics, and Memory in Joyce’s “The Dead”
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A five page paper looking at the importance of these three themes in James Joyce’s classic short story. The paper maintains that Joyce views Ireland as a nation essentially dead, whose greatest power lays in its memories and imagination. Bibliography lists two sources.
Filename: KBdead2.wps
Freud Explains Joyce’s “Portrait of the Artist”
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A five page paper looking at James Joyce’s coming-of-age novel in terms of Freud’s Civilization and its Discontents. The paper concludes that the reason young Stephen has so much difficulty fitting into society is that he cannot sublimate his artistic individuality into socially-acceptable channels. No additional sources.
Filename: KBjoyce3.wps
Images of Passion and Intellect in Joyce’s “The Dead”
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A 6 page paper looking at this classic story by James Joyce in terms of its complex use of imagery to connote death, life, and death-in-life. The paper argues that Joyce’s story depicts the clash of the Dionysian (passionate) and Apollonian (intellectual) ways of life. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KBdead.wps
Irish Identity Through Colonialism According to James Joyce & W.B. Yeats
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This 8 page paper discusses how both the poet, W. B. Yeats, and the novelist, James Joyce, explored ideas of Irish identity through different aspects of colonialism. Joyce's 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' and several of Yeats' poems are used as illustrative examples. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Joycyeat.wps
James Joyce's 'Araby' / In A Boy's Dream
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A 5 page essay which examines the rite of passage of a boy's first crush and the religious and political symbolism that James Joyce uses in this short story. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Arabyrp.wps
James Joyce's 'Araby' / Setting
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A 5 page paper analyzing Joyce's use of setting in this deeply affecting story. The paper analyzes several of Joyce's motifs, particularly romance versus realism and West versus East, to gain insight into the way Joyce contrasts his working-class protagonist's background with the vision of romance he has created for himself. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Setaraby.wps
James Joyce's 'Dubliners'
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A 6 page paper providing a plot summary of the stories that make up this collection by James Joyce. Following Joyce's lead, it breaks the book down into four sections: Childhood, Adolescence, Maturity, and Public Life, and shows how Joyce's world gives readers a better understanding of the subtle forces that shape their own. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Dublin.wps
James Joyce's 'Dubliners' / Epiphany & Paralysis
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A 5 page paper looking at these two recurrent themes in James Joyce's intense and evocative collection of short stories. The paper shows how Joyce's characters experience a sudden burst of enlightenment about their situation, coupled with a frustrating awareness of their powerlessness to do anything about it. Particular stories analyzed are 'Araby,' 'Eveline,' and 'A Painful Case.' Bibliography lists one source.
Filename: Epipara.wps
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