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Papers On Literature
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Silko's 'Ceremony' / Significance of Myth
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A 4 page paper on Leslie Marmon Silko's novel about Indian heritage. The paper argues that the function of the folktales in this novel is to reconnect the protagonist with his Indian heritage on a subconscious level, treating his psychological symptoms by reindoctrinating him into the culture of his people. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Mythsilk.wps

Silko's 'Ceremony' / The Desert As Magic In Native American Culture
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A 5 page analysis of the novel Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko. In this novel, Silko uses the relationship between Native Americans and their environment in the desert of New Mexico as a metaphor to express the journey that the protagonist takes in his search for healing after World War II. In so doing, Silko embodies the environment with various levels of meaning that simultaneously encompass both the concepts of freedom and the ties that bind the people to the earth. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Desertce.wps

Toni Morrison's 'Beloved' vs. Silko's 'Ceremony' / Escape and Body
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A 10 page comparative which explores the authors' use of physical and non-physical forms as a means of dealing with dichotomies, e.g., life and death or pleasure and hate or enslavement and the need to be freed from slavery. In Beloved, the main character will choose freedom at any cost. In Ceremony, the main character will be instructed to choose what is recognized as its opposite. Both are done for political reasons, and both are experienced through the body. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Belvcer.wps

'Everyman' and Shakespeare's Hamlet - Comparing the Medieval World View to the Modern
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This 5 page report discusses the fact that 'Hamlet' (1604) and 'Everyman' offer an excellent comparison between styles and dramatic license of their authors but even more clearly, they show the differing attitudes and visions of the world from the perspective of medieval times as compared to modern. The dark brooding prince compared to the hapless Everyman demonstrate a combination of self-absorption and helplessness in the face of the spiritual realm and the questions it provokes. No secondary sources.
Filename: Bwevery2.rtf

'Jane Eyre' & 'Sense and Sensibility'
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A 9 page comparative analysis of the main characters in these two novels. The writer posits that Austen and Bronte made use of characterization, dialogue and narration to show how Elinor, Marianne and Jane represent the intellectual and passionate properties of womanhood, with the further intent of reflecting control of passion rather than hysteria/madness. The writer proposes that in every instance, the characters' inward reflections are meant to support a revision of the female experience, not to support archetypes. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Cneyraus.wps

'Jude the Obscure' By Thomas Hardy
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A 5 page paper which discusses various aspects of the book 'Jude the Obscure' written by Thomas Hardy. The story is summarized briefly, followed by a brief illustration of Hardy's life and its involvement with the story. This is followed by a critical analysis of the story which discusses the character of Jude and its relationship to Hardy. Bibliography lists 3 additional sources.
Filename: RAjudeobs.wps

'The Green Hat' by Michael Arlen - A Scandalous Woman In A Scandalous Time
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A 6 page paper discussing the controversial 1924 novel 'The Green Hat' by Michael Arlen. It was melodrama of the highest order, depicting life in postwar London. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Hat.doc

18th vs. 19th Century British Literature
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A 9 page essay comparing 18th and 19th century literature. Writer describes themes, styles, and their relevance to the changing times. Most works discussed are by English authors including Chaucer, Defoe, and so forth. Bibliography lists 4 primary sources.
Filename: 18th19th.rtf

David Lodge's 'Out of the Shelter'
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A 5 page paper that provides an overview of the development of Timothy's progression from childhood innocence to adolescence in World War II England. Bibliography lists no additional sources.
Filename: Shelterl.wps

Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol' and the Economy of Victorian England
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A five page paper looking at the way Charles Dickens comments on the economy of his day in this classic little tale. The paper shows how Scrooge's disparagement of, and disinterest in, the welfare of the poor is consistent with the political and economic thinking of his time, and his 'reclamation' shows what Dickens thought should be done about it. Bibliography lists four sources.
Filename: KBxmas2.wps

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