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Papers On Literature
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Stephen King / Author Of Our Nightmares
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A 6 page report on the contemporary American author of horror novels : Stephen King. The writer provides a brief overview of King's life & works -- focusing on certain career milestones like 'The Stand'-- his first story turned into a made-for-television movie. 'Insomnia' and 1996's 'The Green Mile' are discussed in considerable detail. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Stepking.wps

Logic and Absurdity in Carroll and Kafka
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A ten page analysis of the theme of absurdity in Lewis Carroll’s “Through the Looking Glass” and “Alice in Wonderland,” as compared to Franz Kafka’s “The Trial.” The paper notes that while both Kafka and Carroll present universes in which their protagonists are aliens, Carroll’s is run according to a rigorous (if alternative) logic, and Kafka’s has no logic at all. Bibliography lists five sources (secondaries are attached).
Filename: KBkafka2.wps

Alice In Wonderland: Alienation And Connection
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5 pages in length. More than just a light-hearted children's story, Lewis Carroll's 'Alice in Wonderland' delves deep into the issues of alienation and connection as a means by which to demonstrate how people adapt to otherwise uncomfortable situations. The author, himself, was a self-proclaimed misfit of sorts when it came to fitting into society, which served to lay the foundation for the multitude of adventures Alice ultimately embarks upon. The writer discusses how Alice is representational of a solitary soul who is forever searching for that one connection to make her feel a part of the masses. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLCalice.wps

Identity in Carroll's 'Alice in Wonderland'
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A 5 page paper looking at Lewis Carroll's novel in terms of its interpretation as a quest for personal identity. The paper concludes that Alice matures by not only hanging on firmly to her self-concept , but by allowing it to grow -- not disintegrate -- in the face of the challenges presented by the disorder of Carroll's novel. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: KBalice.wps

“Alice in Wonderland”: Comparing Carroll and Disney
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A six-page paper contrasting Lewis Carroll’s original novel with the screen adaptation made of it by screenwriters for Disney Studios. The paper concludes that the screenwriter skewed Carroll’s text with many modern dramatic techniques and structures, improving it in some areas but losing wonderful segments in others. No additional sources.
Filename: KBalice3.wps

Conventionality and Freedom in Lessing's 'To Room Nineteen'
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A 5 page paper looking at this compelling story by Doris Lessing. The paper discusses the protagonist's difficulty in separating her emotional needs from her culture's expectations of women's roles. No additional sources.
Filename: KBlessin.wps

Culture in Lessing's 'The Summer After the Dark'
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A 12 page paper on Doris Lessing's 1973 novel, using it as a point of departure to discuss women's cultural roles in contemporary Western society. Insights from Turner's British Cultural Studies, An Introduction; Adam and Allan's Theorizing Culture: An Interdisciplinary Critique After Postmodernism; and John Storey's What is Cultural Studies: A Reader as well as five other critical sources are used to help explain the protagonist's complex behavior. Bibliography lists nine sources.
Filename: KBsummer.wps

Doris Lessing's 'To Room Nineteen' / Use of Setting & Color
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Doris Lessing's story 'To Room Nineteen' is a story about the repression of the human spirit and seeming unending emptiness and personal alienation that come as a result of social, cultural and even ethnic divisions. Susan Rawling, Lessing's main character, vacillates between sanity and insanity, and her struggle to escape the accompanying alienation comes through a view of her surroundings. This 2 page considers this argument by considering the action in Lessing's work. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Dlessing.wps

Feminist Literary Criticism: Feminist Critical Theory
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6 pages in length. To say that women have had to fight for their existence within the literary world would be a gross understatement. Indeed, the road to self-expression through the written word has been paved with patriarchal intolerance and characteristic skepticism. That women have been forced to prove their worthiness within the stringent boundaries of a male-dominated existence speaks volumes about the inherent fortitude that comprises the female spirit. The writer discusses feminist critical theory as it relates to women writers, focusing upon a story by Doris Lessing. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TLCFemLt.wps

Louise Erdrich's 'Tracks' / Analyzed
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This 5 page paper reviews Louise Erdrich's Tracks, a 1988 novel about Chippewa Indians living in North Dakota. The book analyzes the major characters of Pauline, Nanapush, Margaret and Fleur and how their struggles reflect the overall struggle of the Native Americans to hold onto what is left of their land and their dignity. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Tracks.wps

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