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Papers On Literature
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Ann Radcliffe's 'The Italian' / A Response to Lewis
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A 3 page paper that supports the perspective that Ann Radcliffe's work 'The Italian' was a response to Lewis' 'The Monk' and that comparing themes and character development supports this premise. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Radcliff.wps

Bryant's 'Thanatopsis'
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A six page paper looking at this once-famous poem by William Cullen Bryant, a nineteenth-century poet who himself has somewhat fallen into oblivion. The paper looks closely at the poem's argument that Nature provides solace from the fear of Death, and shows why this appealed to a nation coming out of the stranglehold of Puritanism. Bibliography lists seven sources.
Filename: KBbryant.wps

Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter: A Love Story
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There have been a plethora of evaluations of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. Most critiques focus on the religious organization of the Puritan society, the laws and consequences that made 'sin' a criminal act as well as socially reprehensible. The relationships between the characters has been examined in detail. This 5 page paper argues that The Scarlet Letter is, at it's core, a love story. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: KTscltlv.wps

Hope Leslie
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A 5 page paper discussing the book 'Hope Leslie' by Catherine Maria Sedgwick. This is a novel set in early America and deals with the subject matter of the Native Americans and other prevalent issues of the day, in a completely different manner than perhaps any book has before. Sedgwick approaches her subject matter from a very skeptical, and obviously disgruntled, position in which she examines puritanical attitudes and the position of women in society. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Hopeles.wps

Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The Scarlet Letter' / Religious Oppression
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A 6 page paper analyzing Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel in terms of the oppression of Puritan society in the colonial period of American history. After providing a background on the Puritan faith in general, the paper looks at Hawthorne's novel to show how Hester refused to succumb to the oppression of her society. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: Hawth8.wps

Nathaniel Hawthorne's Rejection of Puritanical Values in 'The Scarlet Letter' and 'The House of the Seven Gables'
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A 7 page paper which critically analyzes how New England-born Nathaniel Hawthorne rejects the values held by his fellow Puritans in his first two novels, 'The Scarlet Letter' and 'The House of the Seven Gables.' Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: TGpuritn.wps

The Family Life of Ralph Josselin, a Seventeenth-Century Clergyman
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A 5 page overview of the diaries of Ralph Josselin, a moderate Puritan clergyman who, over a forty year period spanning between 1641 and 1683, provides a detailed record of his political responsibilities. Emphasizes the historic significance of this work and its value to historians and practically anyone else interested in this period of time.
Filename: PPjossel.wps

The Unattainable Literary Geography of Swift's Gulliver
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In Gulliver's Travels, there is a myriad of meaning buried in an entertaining and macabre representation of period writing. This 6 page paper argues that Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels must have seemed inaccessible to the early modern reader with it's underlying theme of mocking the Puritan ethic, it's satirical form and the romantic style which incorporated absurdism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KTswifts.wps

Preston's'Hot Zone' vs. Cook's 'Outbreak' / Microbiological Comparison
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A 4 page comparison of the microbiological information presented in Richard Preston's book 'Hot Zone' and the movie 'Outbreak.' Concludes that while Preston's book presents valuable and factual information about such organisms as the Marburg Virus and the Ebola Virus, the movie presents only fictional information and is of little public educational value. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Hotbreak.wps

Richard Preston's 'The Hot Zone'
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A 5 page paper on Richard Preston's terrifying book about the Ebola virus. The paper concludes that Preston's actual agenda in writing this book is summed up in the last chapter: that the earth has come to regard humans as a parasite, and is using viral disease to exterminate us. No sources.
Filename: Hotzone.wps

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