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Papers On Literature
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Philip Roth/Portnoy's Complaint
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A 7 page analysis of the Philip Roth's tale of growing up Jewish and male in the late twentieth century. Portnoy has a rather odd 'complaint' that results in consequences that are both intriguing and hilarious. He expresses all of his considerable Jewish angst at having a domineering mother through obsessive sexual conduct. No additional sources cited.
Filename: 99roth.wps

Roth's 'American Pastoral'
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A 5 page paper answering two questions on this book by Philip Roth: 1) How good is Swede Levov's marriage? and 2) How do naturalism, metaphysics and the imagination figure in this novel? Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Pastor3.wps

Petronius' 'Satyrica'
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The ancient Roman work is analyzed in historical perspective. This 6 page analysis examines Nero's reign, the Emperor who ruled during the time period in which the piece was written. The paper goes back further to Caesar's era in order to provide a further understanding of early Roman history. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Satyrica.wps

Petronius' 'The Widow of Ephesus'
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A 6 page paper on Petronius' short fable, 'The Widow Of Ephesus.' The writer describes how Petronius satirizes, grief, crucifixion and fidelity and discusses the importance of Roman funeral practices. Bibliography lists 6 sources. Bibligoraphy lists 6 sources.
Filename: Petron.wps

Octavio Paz's 'Labyrinth Of Solitude'
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A 6 page essay which analyzes how Paz makes use of the Mexican 'pachuco,' that is, a Mexican youth who is trying to assimilate into the U.S. culture, as a symbol for wider sociological problems facing Mexico.
Filename: Labyrin.wps

Octavio Paz's 'The Labyrinth Of Solitude' # 2
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A 6 page paper that answers the question: Why does Paz start off using the example of the pachuco, yet seems to leave it float thereafter? This paper contends that Paz demonstrates some of his major symbolic representations through his characterization of the pachuco. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Octpaz.wps

Analysis of Indian Camp
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This 3 page paper provides an analysis of Ernest Hemingway's short story entitled Indian Camp. The fact that the themes are vital to the plot is demonstrated and the beginning and ending are stressed as elements which serve to magnify them. The father and son relationship between the main characters is explored. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA10INDN.wps

Ernest Hemingway - The Fascinating Hero
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An 8 page paper discussing the life and works of Ernest Hemingway. He was a man who was fascinated by stories of heroes and quite likely envisioned himself, in his purest form, as a hero. While Hemingway did not actually perform any truly heroic acts he perhaps wish he had. He was essentially driven to brink of madness, much like many artists, and committed suicide late in his life. He was known to be a depressed individual on occasion and perhaps it was the fact that life as an old man with no more chances at adventure or heroism caused him to immerse himself in a depression that led to his death. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Fashero.wps

Ernest Hemingway / A Life On Paper
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A 7 page paper discussing the relationship of the events and people of Ernest Hemingway's life to the characters and plots in his fiction. Three novels are discussed, and numerous correspondences pointed out. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Heming2.wps

Ernest Hemingway / Gender Relations in His Short Stories
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A 7 page paper analyzing the reason for the lack of communication between the sexes in three of Hemingway's stories: 'The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber,' 'Hills Like White Elephants,' and 'The End of Something.' The paper concludes that the Hemingway code does not give much room for softness, sensitivity, and self-articulation. Bibliography lists 4 additional sources.
Filename: Hemgen.wps

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