Papers On Literature
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Virginia Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own” -- Only Available to Those Who Can Afford It
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This 6 page report discusses “A Room of One’s Own” written by Virginia Woolf in 1929. The report presents the view that even though Woolf points out the marginality of women in most of her works, her position as a well-educated and upper-class member of society, is seen in her perspectives regarding the proper place of working-class women. No secondary sources.
Filename: BWroom.wps
Women's Rights in the Works of Virginia Woolf
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A 10 page paper examining the presence of a woman's rights agenda in Virginia Woolf's fiction and essays. The paper concludes that while there is abundant evidence of feminism in Woolf's work, she definitely did not hate men, and sought to portray them as justly as their female counterparts. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Wolfwork.rtf
William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies” and the Theme of Violence
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This 5 page report discusses Golding’s 1954 “Lord of the Flies” and its underlying themes of violence and fear. The story of the boys lost on a desert island serves as an allegory for the fundamental core of violence that is buried deep within every human. As the boys become increasingly polarized, the reader sees how far they have given over to the violence that is energizing them. No secondary sources listed in bibliography.
Filename: BWflies.rtf
Tim O'Brien/ Going After Cacciato & The Things They Carried
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A 15 page comparison between the above mentioned novels by Tim O'Brien. In these novels, O'Brien examines feelings and uncertainties that speak to the heart of being human and leave the reader thinking, rather then feeling that all their questions have been answered. O'Brien's artistry encompasses all of the nuances and pathos of the human condition, but set within a framework that coincides with the period that formed the crux of his own experience‹the Vietnam War. The writer specifically examines the novels relative to O'Brien's use of structure. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: 90obrien.rtf
Altered States of Reality in Literature
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A 5 page paper discussing the book City of Glass, by Paul Auster and how it has many connections to the main character in, and the story of, Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes. While there are apparently some very obvious references to Quixote in Auster's work, these are not the connections that are generally discussed. The two main characters are quite similar in many ways as they struggle to be free of their inherent constraints. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Quixalt.wps
Cervantes' 'Don Quixote'
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A 4 page paper which discusses the classic Spanish tale. The writer explains the author's commentary on his society and countrymen. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Donqux.wps
Cervantes' 'Don Quixote' & Shakespeare's Prospero in 'The Tempest'
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This 6 page research paper analyzes the contention that , 'Don Quixote is a failed Prospero.' Specifically discussed are the similarities and differences between Don Quixote and Prospero. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Quixpros.wps
Albert Camus' 'The Guest' / Daru's Dilemma # 1
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This 3 page paper explores the dilemma of Daru in the Albert Camus short story, 'The Guest,' and questions Daru's decision to allow the Arab prisoner to choose his own destiny. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Camguest.wps
Albert Camus' 'The Guest' / Daru's Dilemma # 2
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This 3 page paper explores the dilemma of Daru in the Albert Camus short story, 'The Guest,' and concludes that the only resolution is to allow the Arab prisoner to choose his own destiny. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Camgues2.wps
Camus' The Plague and Wiesel's Night
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The first passage from Night, by Eli Wiesel and the last passage from The Plague by Albert Camus present the soul and meaning of the works by these artists. Both books are written with the atrocities of World War II as the foundation. Wiesel's rendition is direct, telling the story of a survivor of the Jewish extermination camps in Germany. Camus presents an analogy of the invasion of Europe by the forces of Totalitarianism at the beginning of the War. This 7 page paper asserts that both of these stories are concerned with the realities of World War II and that both authors present alarmingly evil pictures of the world. Both stories carry the message: Never forget, lest the evil returns. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: KTnitplg.wps
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