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Papers On Literature
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White's 'Once and Forever King'
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A 10 page report on T.H. White's 'The Once and Forever King.' The story is described in the context of an Arthurian legend-- modeled very much after stories from that particular era. Symbolism, characterization, Knighthood, and the importance of learning are among the many other elements discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Onceandf.wps
Whitman’s “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”
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A five-page paper analyzing Walt Whitman’s poem in terms of its relationship to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The paper looks carefully at symbolism and imagery, concluding that Whitman uses his poetic art to help him work through his shock and grief. No additional sources.
Filename: KBlilacs.wps
Auden's Anti-War Poetry
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A five page paper looking at two poems by W.H. Auden in terms of the way he consciously hearkens back to earlier poetic forms and diction to make a very contemporary anti-war statement. Poems discussed are 'The Shield of Achilles' and 'O What Is That Sound.' Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: KBauden.wps
Samuel Johnson’s “Life of Richard Savage”
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A five page paper looking at this little-known work in terms of its affective power. Through a comparison of Johnson’s account of his friend’s character with the biographical data we have from James Boswell, we can see how Johnson deliberately slanted his account to provide a favorable account of his friend. Bibliography lists three sources.
Filename: KBsavage.wps
Class Tensions in Edgeworth and Trollope
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A six page paper looking at the dissension between the upper and lower classes in Maria Edgeworth’s “Castle Rackrent” and Anthony Trollope’s “An Eye for an Eye.” The paper shows that even though the two novels present their arguments very differently, both authors assert that the lower classes are not doormats created for the landed gentry to walk on at will. Bibliography lists three sources.
Filename: KBtroll.wps
'My Antonia' by Willa Cather
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This 6 page paper discusses one of Willa Cather's best known and best-loved novels. The report covers the plot, characters, setting, and tone of the narrative voice. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Wcather.wps
Charlotte Bronte's 'Jane Eyre' vs. W. Cartha's 'My Antonia' / Characters
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An 8 page paper comparing and contrasting the two heroines in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, and Willa Cather's My Antonia. Bibliography lists 6 critical 6 sources.
Filename: Jananto.wps
My Antonia
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5 pages in length. The duality of Willa Cather's portrayal in My Antonia represents the inherent dichotomy that exists between beauty and fear. Eloquently depicted and especially appealing to the senses, My Antonia is far more than a book that one reads, experiences, sets down and then forgets; rather, it is one that transcends the literary boundaries that separate reality from fantasy. The writer discusses how the haunting interpretation of a pioneer woman's difficult life is filled with aesthetically entrancing visuals, as well as formidable and unpredictable changes of such an existence. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Myanton.wps
My Antonia: Conventional Vs. Unconventional Roles Of Women
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5 pages in length. The duality of Willa Cather's portrayal of women in My Antonia represents the inherent dichotomy that exists between conventionality and unconventionality. A longstanding debate has raged ever since the author penned her account of a woman torn between traditional gender representation and that which is not considered conventional. The argument within the literary world revolves around the feminist approach, with some critics contending that Antonia represents the archetypal female who awakens to her innate functions as a woman. The writer presents a review of literary opinions in relation to how women's roles are portrayed in My Antonia. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCMyAnt.wps
The Creative Outsider in American Society
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An essay discussing the role of the creative outsider in American society using several works of relevant literature. Analyzed in this essay are Henry David Thoreaus' 'On Duty of Civil Disobedience,' John Neihard's 'Black Elk Speaks,' and Willia Cather's 'My Antonia.' It is thematically concluded that The U.S. is a country not only built by 'outsiders,' but whose arts and culture are influenced by them as well. The three texts used are listed in a bibliography.
Filename: Creaouts.wps
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