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Rosa’s Day: A Short Story about the Day in the Life of a Girl in Colonial Peru
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This is a 5 page original short story based on historical references to daily life in colonial Peru. It begins “Rosa awoke early for she knew she was going to have a full day. In addition to her regular chores, it was a day when she had asked her mother if it she would be allowed to take over some food to her friend Maria at the convent. Usually she would not be able to talk to the women and the children at the convent but since the Bourbons had stopped the censos through the convent, the Santa Clara nuns were thankful for any extra food or money they could obtain.” Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TJstorD1.rtf

Sandinista by Matilde Zimmermann
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A five page paper which reviews Zimmermann's biographical account of Carlos Fonseca's life and his involvement with the Sandinista movement in Nicaragua. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: JLfonseca.rtf

Sor Juana de la Cruz
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This 8 page paper provides an overview of the life of this seventeenth century legend who has also been called the first feminist of the Americas. She was a nun as well. This paper explains why she should be considered a feminist. Definitions of feminism are explored. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA16Cruz.wps

Spanish Administration in the Americas in the Sixteenth Century
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A 10 page overview of the way the Spanish administered their colonial holdings in the so-called New World. The author details the subjugation and exploitation the Spanish attempted to exert on the indigenous inhabitants of their new holdings. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PPspainA.rtf

Territorial Maritime Dispute Between Nicaragua and Columbia Including Additional Aspects on Disputes with Honduras and the 200 Nautical Mile Boundary
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This is an 8 page paper discussing the maritime territorial disputes between Nicaragua and Columbia and Nicaragua and Honduras. Nicaragua currently has two territorial dispute cases before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The first case forwarded in December 1999 was for the need of a determination of the delimitation of maritime zones between Nicaragua and Honduras. While Honduras claims that an area of delimitation already exists, Nicaragua does not recognize the current boundaries used and because of this fishing vessels from both countries have been captured without resolution. In December 2001, Nicaragua filed a claim against Columbia for disputed ownership of the maritime areas associated with the Archipelago de San Andres y Providencia and Quita Sueno Bank; an area which consists of over half of Nicaragua’s maritime territories. With consideration for the International exclusive economic zones (EEZ) agreed upon in the 1970s which allows for ownership up to 200 nautical miles off the coasts of each country, the territories become harder to define and often overlap. The two cases are still pending with the ICJ with further testimonials and application deadlines are set for the years 2003 and 2004. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TJniccl1.rtf

The Honduras: Social and Economic Background;
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This 11 page paper, plus appendix, looks at way in which both the social structure and the countries economy have changed since the 1950s. The paper considers this from a variety of perspectives and includes consideration of the instigation of a democratic political system during this time. The paper contain 4 graphs and the bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEhondor.wps

The Little School: A Consideration of those who Disappeared or Who Survived the Argentinean Junta
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This 5 page paper considers Alicia Partnoy's book of short stories entitled 'The Little School: Tales of Disappearance and Survival' document incidences from her three and a half month imprisonment at this secret prison camp. The stories are firsthand accounts of the atrocities as well as containing what can be argued as evidence to the location and identification of those involved. However, the books strongest message must be that of hope and survival despite terrible odds, with survival only starting after release as this is when the reality of the past must be faced. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TElitsch.wps

The Maya, The Inca And The Aztec
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The ancient civilizations of Meso America are of utmost interest to modern students of archeology, history and, or, the behavioral sciences. This 6 page essay explores the similarities and differences between these cultures in art, religion, agriculture and organization.
Filename: KTmexind.wps

The Murky Mystery of El Mozote
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12 pages in length. Examination of the massacre in El Salvador from a sociological perspective. Writer uses theories of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to evaluate the issue. Bibliography lists 12+ sources.
Filename: Elmozote.wps

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This 7-page paper focuses on the history of the Panama Canal and the influence of the U.S. government in making this project happen. Other topics for discussion include whether or not the U.S. could be considered imperialistic in its efforts to build a Canal though this country. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTpacahi.rtf

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