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Papers On Cuba
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This 3 page paper discusses the potential for working as a health care worker in Cuba. Overview of the country offered as well as analysis of cultural values/traditions as they correspond to the health care aid situation in Cuba. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MBhlthcr.rtf
Hernandez/Buena Vista Social Club
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A 3 page essay that examines an essay on an aspect of Latino culture. In 1997, Warner Music produced an album, the Buena Vista Social Club (BVSC), which won a Grammy in 1998 and ultimately become one of the best-selling albums of all time--worldwide. Subsequently, in 1999, a documentary, by the same name, was produced that gave all of the credit for the BVSC album, regarding its impetus and production, to North American guitarist Ry Cooder (Hernandez 62). In her essay on this topic, Tanya Hernandez makes a number of intriguing points concerning the relationship between popular culture and the legacy of imperialism. Two of these points are that Ry Cooder's glorified role regarding the album is a continuation of the "discoverer/conqueror" mythos and, secondly, that the BVSC's glorification of prerevolutionary Cuba ignores the social realities of that era. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khbvsc.rtf
Hispanic Groups in the U.S.
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This 6 page paper considers four groups of Hispanics living in the U.S.: Mexican-Americans, Cuban-Americans, Puerto Ricans and Latinos and aspects of each culture. Bibliography lists 9 source.
Filename: HVHisGrp.rtf
History of the Cuban-American National Foundation
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An 18 page paper which
discusses the history of the Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF), primarily
through the involvement of Jorge Mas Canosa, who was the founder and primary
controller of the Cuban-American National Foundation. The paper also discusses the
impact this foundation has had upon the Cuban/American population in Miami, Florida.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: RACANF.wps
How the Geography of Cuba Affects Its Foreign Policy
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This 4 page paper examines the geography of Cuba and its proximity to the U.S. Reasons for its policies are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA438geo.rtf
Impact Of Lifting The Embargo On Cuba
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A 4 page paper that begins with a report of the dollar value of initial infrastructure improvements needed in Cuba. The paper discusses different aspects of potential trading with Cuba, such as some areas of trade, the value of agricultural products now being exported to Cuba, the GDP in each country, the dollar impact on the U.S. and other facts. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGtrdcba.rtf
Islam/Effect on Church Prior to Crusades
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A 7 page research paper that examines the rich heritage of medieval Moorish Spain and how it influenced Christian Europe. The writer discusses the outpouring of knowledge from Arabic sources that occurred when Christians conquered Toledo. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: kheffisl.rtf
Latino Groups in the United States
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This 3 page paper discusses the Cubans, Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in the U.S. with regard to their society, politics, economic standing, religion and familial standing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: HVLatGrp.rtf
Lifting the Embargo on Cuba
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A 7 page paper which examines how and why the United States should lift the embargo on Cuba and allow travel and trade. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAcuba5.rtf
New Insights on Cuba
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A 5 page analysis of two journal articles on the turbulent Caribbean island. The first article takes a detailed look at the Cuban Revolution and the role of Che Guevara's 'foco' theory. The second article deals with Cuba's current political situation and the other Caribbean nations have been moving toward rapprochement of Cuba. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Cubainst.wps
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