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Papers On Modern Russia / Former Soviet
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Joseph Stalin and Potsdam
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A 4 page paper which examines the history of Joseph Stalin and also Potsdam from 1945 to 1953. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAstalin.rtf

Joseph Stalin: Guile, Cunning, and Ruthlessness in Achieving Political Aspirations
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A 17 page examination of the reign of Joseph Stalin and the tactics he took to secure that reign. The author contrasts Stalin with Lenin and suggests that Stalin was much more ruthless in his climb to control and in his handling of Russia once he had that control. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PPstaln3.rtf

Justifying the Russian War in Chechnya
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This 8 page report discusses the Russian war in Chechnya. As with so many of the battles going on around the world, the Russian war in the province of Chechnya is one that is difficult to understand and appears to change on an almost daily basis. Numerous issues are at stake in the confrontation, not the least of which is the determination of the Russian Federation to maintain what it sees as its cohesiveness and territorial integrity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWchech.wps

Karl Marx and Change
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( 5 pp) "The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it." Does that sound like a bad idea to you? Life is about change, we are told so therefore that quote would seem to be a very logical one. However, since it is one that is often listed as being form the lips of Karl Marx. We are reluctant in a capitalistic society to give it much credence. This paper will examine those ideas of Karl Marx, which may deserve another look Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BBkmarx.doc

Kennan and Soviet Containment
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A 6 page paper which summarizes George F. Kennan�s essay �The Sources of Soviet Conduct� and then examines how many of his views were implemented into Soviet Containment policies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: RAkensov.rtf

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This 3-page paper points out some mistakes and weaknesses made both by the KGB and CIA during the pre-Cold War years. There is also some discussion about errors committed during the Cold War. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTciakgb.rtf

Klyuchevsky's 'Peter the Great'
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A 5 page paper discussing the book 'Peter the Great,' by Klyuchevsky. The author, while at times vague and stinted in his writings, is able to illustrate one of the most influential men in history. Without Peter the Great Russia would not have been what it was, or was to become. Klyuchevsky's book illustrates this very well and appears to achieve this alluded goal. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Klyuch.wps

Koestler's Darkness At Noon
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Authur Koestler's book, Darkness At Noon, provides a view of a specific time and incident in history that has been interpreted by someone who was decidedly opposed to the political leadership that brought the event to fruition. This 7 page paper explores the meaning of the Moscow trials as well as totalitarianism, the historical reference to Stalin and the hope for a communist utopia. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KTdrknnn.wps

Lenin�s Leadership and Stalin�s Dictatorship: The Differences in the Two Regimes Based on Suny�s �The Soviet Experiment�
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This is a 6 page paper discussing the different regimes in Russia under Lenin and Stalin. The leadership styles of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin are considered to be somewhat different considering they both started out being part of the same Bolshevik party during the revolution in Russia in 1917. Lenin was established as the leader after the revolution and quickly began to establish policies based on the socialist writings of Marx including the abolishment of all class distinctions between the nobility, the merchants, the peasants and the working classes and turning the property in the country over to the peasants. Despite his good intentions however, the Bolsheviks who later became known as the Communists, were known for their strong handed methods and the slow removal of opposing forces. Stalin took over as the virtual leader in 1924 when Lenin died and his policies were more militant in their protection of Soviet Russia and by 1930 he had managed to remove all opposing forces to his government and established a one party government with himself as the leader. Stalin used this leadership and the forces within his power to maintain control of the country and any who opposed him were handled by his military forces and special police. Lenin was considered a hero and the instigator of Marxism Leninism although he did not wish to be worshipped. Stalin, on the other hand, believed that his power and the power of his government went hand in hand and his methods were condemned after his death. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TJRGSun1.rtf

Lenin�s Tomb by David Remnick�
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A five page paper which looks at David Remnick�s account of the collapse of the Soviet Union, in terms of the way in which he conducted his research, the conclusions which he reached regarding the cause of the regime�s demise, and possible alternative interpretations of his ideological stance. Bibliography lists 2 sources
Filename: JLremnick.wps

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